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My alarm goes off and I smack my hand on it.

"Shut up." I mumble then slowly get out of bed.

I put on a blue t-shirt, red skirt, black tights and a pair of brown boots. I do my hair in its usual braid then walk downstairs.

"Hey mum." I say.

"Hey Astrid. Want breakfast?" She asks.

"Yeah." I say and sit down at the table.

She puts a plate with toast in front of me then makes her own. My phone buzzes and I lift it up.

HEATHER: want a ride?

ASTRID: yeah car broke remember

HEATHER: C u soon

I eat my breakfast then grab my bag.

"See ya mum!" I yell then run out the door.

"Bye!" She yells back.

I run out the door and see a sliver car come to a sudden stop. I run over then climb in.

"Hey Heather." I say.

"Yo Astrid." Heather says then drives forward.

"So anything happen yesterday?" I ask putting my hands behind my head.

"Unless cleaning counts. No." Heather laughs.

We pull up in front of Ruff's house and she and tuff stand in the front yard.

"Yep dad is definitely going to notice that." Tuff says.

"Yeah I got an idea thou." Tuff says.


"We blame you."

"Good idea but how bout we blame you." Tuff points at her.

"No you." She jogs towards the car.

"What was that about?" I ask.

"We broke the window can't you see." She points to the smashed window.

"How exactly?" Heather asks then drives forward.

"We were testing which dog was faster at fetching. Tuff threw his ball and it hit the window." She explains.

"You two are always managing to get in trouble." I sigh.

"Not that hard my friend. Try having a brother that is a troublesome as you are."

Heather laughs.

"My brother is worse than me and we aren't always in trouble." She states.

"Dagur is older than you thou." I say.


Heather pulls up at the school car park and we get out of the car. We start walking towards our usual spot. Then I start walking the opposite way.

"Where are you going? We sit over there." Tuff points to our spot.

"Because of him." I point to a couple of boys.

Hiccup Haddock is walking our way.

"Hicstrid, hicstrid, hicstrid." Heather chants.

"I hate you two." I say then leg it back towards the car park.

So here is my first hicstrid story
There will be other ships later on but for now just hicstrid

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