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Hiccup and me walk hand in hand down a pretty beach. The waves lap at our bare feet. When I turned 22 the other day he brought me down to Edge. A tropical resort. We sit down at bench and watch the sunset. I place my head on his shoulder.

"It's beautiful isn't it?" I ask.


"What's wrong? You seemed awfully distracted all day." I sit up and look him in the eye.

"D-distracted? What? N-n-no." He says looking away.

He fumbles around in his pocket. I try to see what he's doing but he blocks my view.

"Hiccup. What are you doing?" I ask trying to see.

"Uhhhh....you see.....I......um."

"You have the count of 3 before I tackle and see what it is." I sit up.


He stands up then pulls a velvet box from his pocket. He then gets down on one knee.

"Astrid Hofferson will you......." he flips the box open. "Marry me?"

I start crying. I can't get the words out. He peers at me curious of my answer. I find my voice and launch myself at him.

"Yes! Yes! Yes!" I yell knocking him over in a bear hug.

"Oh great now I'm crying." He says and I see tears falling from his eyes.

I kiss him passionately on the lips and taste sand. I hear a click and pull away and look up. The gang who I haven't seen since high school are standing there. Heather with a camera. I get off hiccup and hug them.

"I haven't see you guys in so long." I say and feel hiccup hug me from behind.

"It was hiccup's idea." Fishlegs says as we pull away.

Hiccup slips the ring onto my finger.

"He messaged us and told us to keep out of your sight until today." Snoutlout says.

"That was tricky we saw you at the spa the other day. You almost ran into us." Ruff says pointing to tuff.

"It was my idea for the picture thou." Heather holds up her camera.

"Thank you so much." I hug hiccup again.

"Now let me see the ring."

I hold out my hand and they see the hand crafted ring. It's a curled up gold dragon with diamonds as for details. Heather snaps a picture.

"I think I may make a scrapbook for the lead up to the wedding." Heather smiles.

We stand next to the table and Heather turns the timer on then runs in. The flash goes off.

One year later
I smile looking at the pictures. The day of the wedding pictures are the best. My bed hair and the realisation it's my wedding day. The bridesmaids dresses. A pretty sky blue. The actual wedding and the reception. There's Tuff dancing with my cousin's best friend. Heather and Fishlegs wild dancing. My dad dancing with me. The bouquet toss and Snoutlout's proposal.

"What you got their m'lady?" Hiccup ask climbing into bed.

"Remember this." I hand it to him.

"Ah yep. Seems like only yesterday we were still just friends." He chuckles.

"It does doesn't it." I lay on my back.

He wraps his arms around me and turns off the light.

"I love you." He whispers in my ear.

"I love you more." I say.

"Not possible." He kisses me.

But I've got a new story in the making
So thanks for reading and all the voted
Bye for now

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