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I wake up to a loud thump. Scared that Astrid fell off I rip off the blanket and check the floor. Thankfully it's Astrid free. I fine the source of the sound. Tuffnut has fallen off his chair with a laughing Heather and Ruffnut. Snoutlout has a fist raised to hit him. I open the glass door an yawn.

"Morning hiccup." Heather says.

My response is muffed by a yawn. I sit down at the table and duck as a plastic plate flies over my head. It hits tuff square in the face.

"Oi no fair." Tuff throws it back at Snoutlout.

He catches it and puts it on the bench.

"What's no fair. You should have been expecting it. Hiccup just woke up and he ducked." Snoutlout laughs.

I yawn to help with his argument.

"Tuff can't tell when Ruff's going to hit him let along you throw a plate at him." Astrid says from the door.

"True." Ruff laughs.

I yawn again and Heather puts bacon in front of me. That perks me up.

"It's like Astrid. Suppose that's what got her up." Heather chuckles.

"Yes that is true." She sits next to me.

Heather gives her a plate. We eat the meat and sit back and watch the fight between Snoutlout and Tuff. Snoutlout is only using plastic ammo because ruff said. Heather also didn't want to clean blood of the floor.

"Take that!" Tuff yelled throwing a plastic cup at his head.

Snoutlout ducks and grabs a spoon.

"eat my spoon furry." He throws multiple ones at the male twin.

"Prepare for my bowl of death!"

"Shut up!" Next door screams.

The boys throw the items and stop with the fight.

"Awe I was enjoying that." Ruff says.

"Trust me there will be more." Snoutlout winks at the girl.

Ruff stutters.

"Snoutlout stop breaking my sister." Tuff shakes his head.

"All I'm doing is winking at her. Why can't a wink at a beautiful lady."

Ruff is lost for words and staggering to a chair. Everyone laughs at the girl who can't utter a word.

"Hey guys there is a carnival tonight. Do you want to go?" Snoutlout asks.

"Is there rides?" Astrid and me ask at the same time.

"Yeah." He replies.

"Hell yeah!" Astrid shouts.

"Shut up!" The neighbour screams.

"So carnival tonight and tomorrow I think we should go out to Berserk Town." Heather smiles.

"Sounds cool." Ruff remembers how to speak.

Warning the next couple of chapters will have Rufflout and Heatlegs
If you do not enjoy these ships than replace the name with who ever you please
Trust me I have to do that a LOT

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