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"What are we?"

The words float around in my mind for about 10 seconds.

"Well....um........I suppose....uhhh." I stutter out.

"You've got no clue. Don't you?"

"Nope." I smile.

"If the gang was paying attention I reckon they would be chanting Hiccstrid." Astrid adds.

"I've heard about this Hiccstrid." I chuckle thinking about the lunch time I sat with them and ruff chanting.

"Yeah made by Heather herself. With a little help from ruff. It was going to be Ascup." She giggles at the end.

"Well I'm glad it's not Ascup. That's just weird." I chuckle.

"Anyway can you answer my question now?" She looks at me with her ocean blue eyes.

"Astrid I've got a question." I say confidently.

"And what would that be?"

"Will you go out with me?" I ask losing my found confidence.

"Yes I will you muttonhead." She kisses my cheek.

"Hiccstrid hiccstrid hiccstrid." Ruff and tuff chant.

"Hand it over." Fishlegs smirks at Snoutlout.

Snoutlout sighs and hands Fishlegs a 5 dollar note.

"What did you bet on?" Heather asks.

"I said they would get together by the end of the week. He said today." Snoutlout grumbles.

I smile at Astrid and we stand up.

"I'm hungry." Tuff complains.

"There's a fish and chips shop not far from here. Let's go there." Heather grabs Fishlegs arm and we walk out the door.

I hold out my bent arm for Astrid.

"M'lady." I say.

She links it with mine smiling. We walk down the street and see the shop. It's decorated with silver fish on a blue wall. Pictures of food are beneath the pretty back drop. We sit down at a wooden table with a black umbrella covering us from the sun. Tuff and Ruff deal two more chairs over quite noisily.

"Are trying to wake up all the sea monsters?" Astrid asks sarcastically.

"Wait there's sea monsters? Sister we must locate them and wreak havoc!" Tuff yells.

"Agreed brother." The two are about to run off when I grab tuff's shirt and Snoutlout grabs ruff's.

"No there are not sea monsters. I was being stupid." Astrid shakes her head.

We sit around and Fishlegs and Heather walk out holding a box of chips. 7 pieces of fish are inside. We slowly eat lunch. Ruff is leaning on Snoutlout's shoulder. Tuff is making faces at them and Heather is holding hands with Fishlegs.

Time skip brought to you by Toothless

I sit on the couch with my arm draped around Astrid. She's asleep. Heather is on her phone. Fishlegs is having a shower. Snoutlout is at his van and the twins are sitting at the table watching Percy Jackson and the lightning thief. I smile and my eyes close.
I finally did it. I finally asked her.
That's my last thought before I fall asleep.

WE HIT 1K READS (I had to type that 5 times because I was so excited)
Also one more chapter to go before the book is completed

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