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Heather swipes a card over a little box and the boom gate lifts up. Fishlegs is behind us and I can hear the twins yelling. Heather drives into the park and stops in front of a white van. She parks up the side and Fishlegs parks in front of the van.

"Destination reached." Heather says opening the door and getting out.

I get out and grab my bag and haul it inside. Astrid follows.

"Whoa I was expecting something a bit more extravaganting." Tuff says.

"Not much but it's fine." Heather unlocks the door and walks in.

The first room has bunk beds and a couch. The second one has a double bed and a single.

"Uh there's only four beds and 6 of us." Astrid says.

"There is a pull out couch and another couch outside. Or the twins can share a bed." Heather says putting her hands on her hips.

"We'll share." The twins say.

"I call top bunk!" Astrid jumps onto the couch and onto the bed.

"I'm on bottom." I say walking over.

"I'll take my bed. The twins can either have the couch or the double bed."

"We'll take the couch." Ruff sits on it.

"I got double bed then." Fishlegs walks up the steps.

"Where's the bathroom?" Tuff asks.

"See that blue building there. That one. Men on the road side and women's in the other side." Heather says.

Tuff walks out and runs over to the building.

"Showers are over there too?" I ask.

"Yep. Also next door are a pain in neck at night." Heather says pointing to the window.

"What about behind and the other side?" Astrid asks.

"Next door they aren't here and behind are not to bad."

"Well I'm gonna unpack then go shopping cause I didn't bring food down." Heather walks up the stairs.

"I'll come shopping with you." Fishlegs offers.

"Thanks." She smiles.

I look up at Astrid who is leaning over looking at me.

"Hi." I say.

"Hi." She says back.

"Can you guys just kiss already?" Ruff asks.

We both blush and turn away. Stupid ruff ruined the moment. Tuff runs in and opens the door.

"Guess who I saw." He says.

"Harry Potter?" Ruff guesses.

"Katniss Everdeen?" Astrid guesses.

"A fire breathing dragon?" I guess.

"No no and no. Snoutlout."

"What?" Heather asks.

Ruff sits on the couch with a dreamy look on her face. Astrid looks annoyed and Fishlegs looks worried.

"Well maybe he won't bother us much." I say.

"Hopefully anyway." Astrid says tickling me with her hair.

I brush it away and start unpacking my bag.


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