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I can't wipe the smile off my face as we exit the metal cage. Tuff, fishlegs and Snoutlout walk up to me smirking.

"What do you guys want?" I ask still smiling.

"You finally grew a pair and kissed her." Snoutlout chuckled.

"And I do believe she kissed you back." Fishlegs added.

"Hiccup and Astrid together forever." Tuff laughed.

"Oh shut up." I felt my cheeks warm up.

"You love her you love her you really really love her." Tuff sang pointing a finger at me.

"Tuff shut up." Fishlegs says.

The girls walk up beside us. Ruff pulls me aside.

"Heya lover boy." She says.

"What do you want?" I ask.

"Break her heart and I'll break your face." She snarls.

"I wasn't planning too." I say kinda of freaked out by the female.

"Good." She smiles then runs off.

Astrid walks along side me. The gang slowly peel away from us. Fishlegs and Heather go over to the clowns game. Ruff and Snoutlout go to the test your strength. Tuff chooses to get food inside of third wheeling with someone.

"So." I say nervously rubbing the back of my neck. 

"That was something." She looks down at her shoes.

We stand in an awkward silence as people walk past us. I see Fishlegs win a stuffed silver dragon for Heather. Snoutlout gets beaten by ruff.

"Who knew Ruff would ever fall for Snoutlout." Astrid says laughing a little bit.

"Who knew Snoutlout would suddenly switch from you and Heather to her." I say.

"Yeah. Love works is strange ways." She sighs.


I notice a group of younger teenagers. 4 boys and 2 girls. The boy with blonde hair is talking to the girl with ombré. The boy with fiery red hair is arguing with a girl with cocoa brown hair. The other two boys are pulling the others black hair. They walk past us and I hear the blonde haired boy mumble.

"If internet explorer is brave enough to ask to be your default browser you can ask her out."

They walk past and I hear them laughing. Astrid chuckles.

"That was interesting. That girl just told me to say yes."

"The boy with blonde hair hair told me a really weird pep talk." I laugh.

"They look familiar. I don't know how but they do." She says.

I nod in agreement. The gang walks back.

"Hey my dear sister is that Chris and James?" Tuff asks.

"Why yes it is dear brother!" The two run after the boys with black hair.

"That's why they look familiar! I saw them at the twins birthday." Astrid snaps her fingers.

"We should get going soon it's almost 11." Heather says.

"I agree." Fishlegs smiles.

"Well when dumb and dumber get back we'll go." Astrid says.

"Hey don't insult my girlfriend like that." Snoutlout says then clamps his hand over his mouth.

"Wait what?" I ask.

"Uhhhh. I g-g-gotta go. Snoutlout is outlout." He starts to walk off but Heather grabs his arm.

"Did you ask Ruff out?" Her eyes are massive.

"Y-yes. I mean no.......... maybe?"

"Oh my Thor you did!" Heather squeals in excitement.

"I don't think Heather was this excited when you two kissed." Fishlegs made a gesture to us.

"I want details now!" Heather shook him by his shoulders.

"I ask her at the test your strength. She said yes and then we came back." He manages to get out.

Ruff and ruff come running back and Heather jumps on ruff.

"When were you planning to tell me you are dating Snoutlout?!" She shakes her.


"You weren't going to tell me? I am offended!" Heather pretends to be shot.

"Wait you and snoutlout are dating?" Tuff asks.

"Yes brother try to keep up." Ruff rolled her eyes.

"Wow some night." Astrid says.


Cause it's my bday I decided to be nice and update
Also finished writing the next chapter
I'll post that later when I finish editing

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