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I walk towards Heather, Ruffnut and Astrid. When they notice me Astrid starts running towards the car pack.

"Where's she going?" I ask.

"Uhhhh she forgot her bag." Heather says.

Ruffnut is laughing for an unknown reason. I look at Astrid and notice her bag. There's a different reason she's running.

"So what's up?" I ask.

"The sky duh." Ruffnut says.

Heather rolls her eyes.

"Nothing much what up with you Haddock?" She asks.

"Just waiting for Fishlegs." I say shoving my hands in my pockets.

"Well there he is so bye bye." Ruffnut waves.

I turn around and walk over to my friend.

"Hey dude." I say.

"Hey." Fishlegs says.

"So anything happen yesterday?" I ask.

"No and did you talk to Astrid yet?"

I feel the red rash creeping up my neck.

"W-w-why would y-you ask that." I stutter nervously.

Fishlegs chuckles then the bell rings.

"See ya and good luck." He runs towards his classroom.

I walk towards history and spot Astrid. This is my chance to talk to her without Heather or Fishlegs bugging me to ask her out.

"Hey." I say jogging up to her.

"Hey hiccup." She says and looks at the ground.

"So why were you running to the car park?" I ask.

"Just forgot a couple of books that's all."

"Right then."

We walk up the stairs then into the classroom. I sit next to her and then Mr Harvey walks in.

"OK class today we are learning about the Vikings."

A couple of kids groan.

"Open your books to page 102."

This is going to be a long lesson. 

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