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I climb into Astrid's car and she drives to the craft store. I limp into the store and we look at the items. I grab black fabric and she grabs art stuff. We walk up to the counter.

"Anything else?" The platinum blonde girl asks.

"No thanks. Actually do you have anything we can make cardboard stand up?" Astrid asks.

"Um I just used toothpicks and heaps of sticky tape." She smiles.

"Thanks a lot." I say and we walk out.

"You know I think I've seen her before." Astrid says pushing her fringe behind her ear.

"Think she's from our school?" I ask getting into the car.

"Maybe when we just arrived cause she looks about 20." She says starting the car.

We arrive at her house and we walk in. I climb up the stairs with Astrid behind me.

"You know if I fall im going to squish you." I say cheekily.

"Then I hope you don't fall on me." She smirks.

We go into her room and start looking up dragon pictures. We find a black one that has no teeth and looks extremely adorable.

"We can't do that one. Dragons are supposed to be powerful and scary." Astrid shakes her head.

I scroll down and find the same dragon but reared up and teeth bared. His back has blue spins and his nostrils are blue. A man sits upon his back.

"Ok fine we'll do that dragon." She rolls her eyes.

We print off the picture and start building the basic structure out of styrofoam shapes with toothpicks securing them. I start looking up the gods and goddess that the Viking worshiped. Freya Magma(that's one right?) Thor Odin Loki.

I sigh after about 3 of scribbling notes down. Astrid fell asleep in my shoulder about half a hour ago. I nudge her awake.

"Hey Astrid I need to get going." I say as she opens her eyes.

"Ok go on." She's still on my shoulder.

"Astrid I can't drive remember." I push her off my shoulder.

"Oh yeah. Why don't you just stay over?" She rubs her eyes.

"Fine. Besides you'll only fall asleep driving." I get up and try to stretch with falling over.

"Ok then. Just sleep on my lounge over there." She points to the lounge on the other side of the room.

I hop over and she returns with a blanket and pillow. I remove my leg and shirt and pull the blanket over. She climbs into her bed.

"Night Hiccup." She yawns.

"Night Astrid." I call them roll over and fall asleep.

*runs into house after being back from holiday*
*family looks at me like I'm bonkers*
Happy New Year everyone!
So I went away for two weeks and had no internet or wifi
I also had no entertainment after my friend went home so i was very bored
Anyway hope you enjoyed

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