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I wake up to a sharp pain in my stomach. As usual it's just toothless.

"Yeah yeah I'll get up." I groan then pull the covers over my head.

I swear this dog can read my thoughts. He tugs in the blanket and eventually pulls it off.

"Alright alright. I'm up." I get up.

Toothless sits smugly on his bed.

"I hate you." I say joking.

Toothless just sits there. Then takes of down the stairs. I follow.

"Morning dad." I say to my dad.

"Good morning."

I sit down at the table and make myself breakfast. Dad's phone rings and he answers it.

"Hello?........... Yes............ Today?............. Fine. Goodbye." He puts his phone down.

"Son I have to go to the office today. You'll be ok today?" He asks.

"I'll be fine dad." I say.

"Ok i need to leave now." He walks to his room.

Toothless looks at me in pity. I pat his head and he puts his head on my lap.

"It's ok bud. I worry about him too." I push him off. "How bout a day at the beach?"

He jumps around in excitement. I pat him again then we run up the stairs. I put in a pair of shorts with a shirt. I grab my phone then think about my friends.

"How bout we see if Stormfly can come as well?" I ask.

This only excites him more. I dial Astrid's number.

A: Hello?

H: hey Astrid can you come to the beach today?

A: sure

H: can you bring Stormfly?

A: yeah I was bringing her anyway

H: ok see ya

A: bye

I hang up then ring Fishlegs and he agrees to come. I grab my keys and toothless's lead. My three legged dog runs out to the garage. I open the black ute's door and hop in.

"Next stop the beach." I say.

Toothless howls and I wind the window down for him. I drive out then head for the beach. I see a sliver car with a blue cattle dog sticking it's head out the window. I pull up beside it knowing it's Heather's car.

"Hey dude." She says.


A green car pulls up and a pair of Boston Terriers jump out. Their collars are connected and a lead drags behind them. Ruffnut catches the lead and tuff gets out of the car.

"Hello." Ruff says out of breath.

I wave. Soon a brown car and a blue car pull up.

"Her car's fixed?" Heather questions Ruff.

"yeah. didn't she tell you?" Ruff looks confused.


Fishlegs gets out of the car and Astrid parks next to Heather.

"sorry I'm late I had to walk to the mechanic. also Stormfly was being a bit hyperactive." she says.

Stormfly sits smugly at her feet. Fishlegs and meatlug walk over.

"Hey guys." Fishlegs says.

We all walk down to the beach with the dogs running in front of us.

"Soooooooooooooooooooo." Tuff drags out the o.

"Whaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaat?" Ruff copies him.

"What are we gonna do?"

"Do you wanna build a snowman?" Astrid sings.

"No!" We all shout.

She laughs. Her laugh is so nice.

"Uh oh here comes trouble." Heather points at Snoutlout.

"Why did he have to be here?" Astrid groans.

"Quick hide!" Tuff yells.

He ducks behind a bush and ruff follows him.

"You know we still can see you." I say.

"No you can't." Ruff laughs.

"Oh hey nerd." Snoutlout shoves me a little.

"Please don't." I say.

"Why not it's fun." He laughs.

"Leave him alone Snotface." Astrid says.

"Why should I sweetheart?"

I can tell by the way she snarls at him she doesn't like that.

"Nick off." Heather says and makes a shooing motion with her hands.


Suddenly Hookfang ,I think that's his dog's name, runs off and Snoutlout runs after him. We all burst out laughing.

"Serves him right." Fishlegs laughs.

"See he didn't see us Hiccup." Ruff snickers.

"He's just to oblivious to notice you two mutton heads." Astrid laughs.

Lazy author time skip

I climb in my car with toothless jumping through the window. I laugh.

"Come on useless mammal." I drive backwards.

Out of the corner of my eyes I see a red a blue car skid out of control. I floor it to go back in but I'm still in reverse. I go backwards and it slams into me. I smack my head against the wheel and the world goes black.
I love cliffhangers
Well when I write them cause I know what happens next

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