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I stare at the celling. I can't sleep no matter what I do. Under the blankets out of the blankets one leg under the other out. I roll to my side the bed creaking slightly. I touch my lips and sigh. Why does he have such an effect on me? I'm Astrid Hofferson the girl who's afraid of nothing. I get out of bed and check my phone.


I climb down the ladder and walk out the door. The kids that play were in the park left a long time ago. The light over near the toilets flickers. I grab one of the torches on the table that Heather left. I walk down to the beach knowing I could clear my mind down there. I reach the sand and sit down near the water. I hear faint music coming from a party a little while away. I hear someone behind me.

"Couldn't sleep?"

"Nah." Hiccup says sitting next to me.

"Why are you here?" I ask.

"I was awake. I heard you get up and so I followed you down." He says.

"You could sleep because you were thinking?" I ask.

"Yes. I was thinking about you and the kiss. Did you have that feeling?" He asks.

"The feeling that it felt so right? Yeah I had that." I say looking at him.

A slow song comes on at the party. He stands up and offers a hand.

"Care to dance?" He asks.

"I don't dance." I push it away.

"Come on yes you can." He lifts me up.

He puts his hand on my waist and puts the other on my shoulder. I put mine around his neck. We sway in time with the music and he spins me around.

"I didn't know you knew how to dance." I whisper putting my head on his shoulder.

"When your dad brings you along to parties you pick up some moves." He whispers.

"Well you must be a good watcher."

"Heh thanks."

The song finishes and a fall out boy song comes on. We break away.

"We should get going." He says.

I nod in agreement. He kisses my check and walks up with me behind him dazed. We reach the van and I put the torch back. We go inside and I climb up the ladder.

"Good night m'lady." Hiccup says.

I'm still in shock and fall asleep to the loud snores of Fishlegs and Tuff's mumbling about his chicken.

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