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I walk in my front door and hear toothless running towards me.

"Hey bud." I say as my three legged black lab tackles me.

He licks my face. I wipe it away.

"Nice. Right time for homework." I groan.

I thump up to my room then pull out my books. History, math and English. I open my book and start. I finish then notice toothless sitting impatiently under my feet.

"You wanna go for a walk?" I ask him.

His eyes light up and he starts jumping around. I pat his head then grab his lead.

"Come on bud." I clip it into his collar and we run outside.

We walk towards the park well more like run. Toothless is running so fast I'm having trouble keeping up with him. Suddenly he runs into a park and his lead slips out of my hand.

"TOOTHLESS!" I yell running after him.

His running towards a golden retriever that has a blonde girl running after it.


The two dogs stop then bounce around each other. I finally catch up to toothless and so does the girl with her dog.

"Hey Astrid." I pant.

"Hey hiccup." She says panting as well.

"I think they know each other." I say.

"Yeah maybe. Where did you get your dog from?" She asks sitting down on a bench.

"Berkian pet shop." I sit down with her.

"That's where I got Stormfly from." She states.

"How old? Toothless is 2." I say.

"2 as well they must know each other." She laughs.

Toothless and Stormfly are running around the park chasing a butterfly. They soon come back. I notice Fishlegs walking his bulldog. He standing next to a girl with black hair with a blue cattle dog.

"Is that Heather?" I ask.

"Omg are they on a date?" Astrid asks.

We walk closer and duck behind a bush. They are talking then toothless starts barking. They look over and notice us. They both blush then walk over.

"So what we're you two doing?" I ask crossing my arms.

"Nothing I was walking Windshear and Fishlegs just happened to be walking meatlug." Heather says.

"Right." Astrid raises her eyebrow.

"So what were you two doing?" Fishlegs asks.

"I took toothless for a walk and he ran off. Astrid was taking Stormfly for a walk and she ran off. Then turns out they may know each other." I explain.

"Right." Heather raises her eyebrow.

"Draw then." Astrid says.

"Yep." We all say.

Toothless, Stormfly, Meatlug and Windshear run off after a fire truck. We start running after them.

I had to add the dragons in and I ship Stormfly and toothless so yeah

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