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I wake up and stretch. I notice a lump on my lounge and my mind remembers what happened last night. I silently get out of bed and thank Thor it's Saturday. Stormfly snores loudly in her bed and I walk into the kitchen. A sticky note is on the fridge:
I'm sorry Asty but I needed to work
I know I never spend time with you but I love you very much
Love mum xx

"Your mum had to work?" I hear Hiccup ask.

"Yeah. She needs to work to pay the bills. I hardly ever see her. She didn't even get the holidays off. That's why she said yes to me going to the caravan." I sigh.

Hiccup pulls me into a hug the best he can while holding onto his crutches. I hear his heart and I place my head on his chest. I feel him shuffle so his crutches aren't digging into me or him. He rubs my back and whispers comforting words into my ear. I pull away almost tripping him in the process.

"Want some breakfast?" I ask cocking my head.

"Course I do." He smiles.

I make pancakes and we sit at the breakfast bench eating our food. It's a bit of an awkward silence.

"Uhh so." I say trying to start a conversation.


"This is awkward." I say.

"Yep. Hasn't been this awkward since my dad fell asleep and we were sitting at his office for 2 hours."

"I haven't been this awkward since Heather made me sit with Snoutlout for an entire movie." I say giggling.

"Ewww sitting next to Snoutlout for a movie. I'd rather kidnap tuff's chicken." He laughs.

"I'd rather shave my head and tattoo a clown on it." Now we're just being stupid.

"I'd rather sniff a skunk and live with it."

"I'd rather attack my face to a door."

"Ok we need to stop before my sides explode." We both are laughing.

"Ok then. What do you want to do?" I ask.

"Well it's still early and I don't have to go home so just watch a movie?"

"What movie?"

"Uhhhhhh the 100?"

"Sounds good."

I put it on and we sit on the couch. Stormfly joins us by sitting between us. I pat her head and she licks us both. We laugh and go back to watching  the movie.

*hugging wifi modem*
I'm never taking you for grated again or yelling at you for being slow

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