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I hop out of my car and see Heather. I wave and she runs over.

"So did you do it?" She asks raising an eyebrow.

"Do what?"

"You know." Heather says.

"No I don't."

"Astrid Hofferson. Do I have to hit you?" Heather puts her hands on her hips.

"Please have mercy. I have so much to live for." I plead jokingly.

"So did you ask him?"

"I asked him and he said yes. Besides as long as Snoutlout isn't around he should be alright." I say.

"Speak of the devil." Heather nudges me.

Snoutlout is walking like he owns the place towards us. I make a finger gun and pretend to shoot myself. Heather sniggers.

"Why I thought I spied two lovely princesses." He says.

"Nah mate pretty sure your seeing things." Heather says.

"Did you lose a bet to ruff or tuff and had to do some dangerous stunt?" I ask.

"No I just see a beautiful blonde princess and her equally beautiful raven haired friend." He makes kissing faces.

I spot Hiccup and Fishlegs. I make motions to Heather and she understands.

"Sorry but I have a presentation with Fishlegs and have to ask him something about the design of it." Heather makes up an excuse.

"I was paired with hiccup on a group presentation. I have to tell him. Bye." I grab heather's hand and we run over to the two boys.

"Why are you puffing?" Fishlegs asks.

"Had.....to.....get....away from........Snoutlout." Heather says.

"Hiccup I have a presentation with you in history." I say.

"Ok then. So what do we need to do?" He asks.

"I'll explain later. Anyway how's getting up the stairs been?" I ask.

"Fell down them today. Don't worry only in the last step." He says waving his hands.

"Man you are more accident prone then tuff." Fishlegs laughs.

"Meh. Lose a leg, gain some bruises, use your dog to fetch your crutch." He shrugs.

"Wait what was the last one?" Heather asks.

"Toothless had to retrieve my crutch from the other side of the room. They slide like a million miles and then either I have to crawl to them or call toothless." Hiccup explains.

"Yeah I'd get meatlug to fetch it as well."

"Guys! Guys! Guys!" Tuff yells.

"What?" We all ask.

"Mum said me and tuff are allowed to come to the caravan." Ruff says.

"Awesome." I say fist bumping with her.

"So when are we going?" Hiccup asks with his head cocked.

"These holidays. Gives time for you to get used to that leg of yours." Heather smiles at him.

"Good. I don't like it would be cool if I just hopped around on crutches all the time." He smiles.

The bell rings and I walk towards history with Hiccup limping with me.

"So about the project?" He asks.

"We have to do a diorama on the Vikings. We get to choose a topic and then present it in this museum thing." I explain.

"Oh can we do like a belief thing. Like their gods and goddesses. Also that belief of dragons." He says his eyes lighting up.

"That's what I was thinking. I really like the dragon idea. What if we do like an information book in the gods and goddesses then a dragon fact file in a box." I say.

"This is gonna be one heck of a project." He laughs.

"Then should we start it today." I say.

"Maybe at your place? I mean I got a ride with Fishlegs cause I can't really drive." He points to his prosthetic.

"It's ok I mean my house is really close to a craft store as well." We walk into class.

We sit at the back of the class. Or teacher walks in and starts explaining some things. I start writing down notes then get bored. I draw a dragon in my notebook and hiccup nudges me. He points at it smiling then flicks to the back of his book. He shows me dragon drawings as well. I smile at him. Well that's something I never knew about my friend hiccup.

Is it possible to fall any more for hiccup?

"Astrid, Hiccup? Are you two even paying attention?" Mr Harvey asks.

I nod and so does Hiccup. People snicker and let my hair fall over my face. Hiccup's just smirking and I roll my eyes at him.


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