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I limped out of the hospital with Astrid helping me. Dad was away on a business trip so she was helping me. My right arm was around her shoulders and my left hand held the crutch.

"Thanks Astrid for helping me." I say as I climb into her car.

"No problem. Anyway I know what it's like to have distance parents." She says.

"What do you mean?" I ask.

"Well my dad lives in New York because of his job. He's supposed to come back next year and mum has to work late to pay for everything. I am consistently at home alone." She explains starting the car.

"My dad is just always on business trips and my mum went missing when I was 2." I say.

I look away and out the window. I cant remember much about her but she was nice. I see Astrid's face in the mirror. She looks sorry for me. She starts the car then reverses back.

"You know your welcome to stay at my house if you feel alone." I say.

"Thanks." She smiles.

"In fact could you kinda help me out at home. I may have troubles get up the stairs." I point at my prosthetic leg.

"Sure. I'll be happy to help."

We drive in silence with only the engine for noise. I look over at Astrid and notice her eyes flit back from looking at me. We arrive in front of my massive house and I look at my bedroom window.

"Well we're here." She says.

I open the door and she helps me out of the car. I sling my arm over her shoulder and grab my crutch. I half walk half limp to the door and fumble with my key. I put it in the door and unlock it.

"I'll get your stuff." She says them rums back while I limp over to the lounge and collapse on it.

"Thanks." I smile when she comes back.

"Anything for a friend." She smiles.

I grab the other crutch and slowly make my way to the stairs. Astrid walks with me and watches patiently. I get up the stairs but not without slipping almost twice.

"You ok?" She asks.

"I'm fine. Bit tired and my leg is killing me." I state.

"I thought as much. I'll get your stuff again." She laughs then slides down the banister.

How I'm gonna miss doing that. She runs back up with the two duffel bags that have my stuff in them.

"I feel like a butler." She mumbles to herself.

"Sorry. I would carry them but it's a bit hard." I say.

"It's ok. Anyway want this in your room?"

"Yes please."

I limp over to my door and swing it open with one hand. We walk in and I forgot about the mess. Drawings are stuck up on the walls and a very goofy photo of all of us. Toothless's bed is ripped and his chew toys are around it. Also clothes and rubbish lie causally on the floor.

"I see you use the floor as a temporary living space for your stuff?" Astrid raises an eyebrow.

"What can I say? I'm just disorganised like any other boy." I say shrugging.

"Well I have seen worse. You can't see the floor of Tuff's." She laughs.

"Yep I spent five days trying to get out of there once." I joke.

"Only five? Poor Ruff was in there for a month." She says.

"I heard Belch went in there and they found him two years later." I say.

"Poor old barf is still missing." She says laughing.

"Thanks for making me feel better." I smile.

"Your welcome."

Her phone buzzes and she pulls it out.

"Sorry I gotta go but I will be back. A certain black lab wants to see you." She runs out of my room.

I remove my leg then put it next to the bed with my crutches. I lay down and fall asleep.

Sorry if it's rushed
I don't function very well at night time
Or in the morning
Which is when I wrote the chapter

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