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I open the door and I almost bowled over by a very excited lab. Astrid laughs at me and I give her a 'really' face. Toothless jumps around then sniffs my leg and looks up at me.

"It's ok bud I'm fine. Thanks again for looking after him for me." I say.

"No problem. Well you actually owe me about 100 bucks of damage." She jokes.

"Really how much damaged can a three legged dog and a golden retriever do?" I ask sarcastically.

"Pay up haddock." She holds out her hand.

"Never Hofferson." I push it away smirking.

"I would hit you but it's mean to hit the crippled." She says.

"Wow I'm wounded." I attempt to try to die but toothless kindly knocks my crutch making me fall.

"Hiccup! Are you ok?" She asks helping me back up.

"I'm fine Astrid really. No more lost limbs or broken bones." I say taking my crutches back from her.

"Don't scare me like that." She says.

She cares for me a lot. I don't blame her I care for her too.

"Wanna come in. I mean it be a waste of time dropping this troublemaker off and leaving." I get out of the way.

"Thanks." She walks in.

"Want a drink or something?" I ask trying to be nice.

"Nah I'm good." She holds her hands up in protest.

We walk into the main lounge room. Astrid falls onto the lounge.

"Wow your place is huge." She exclaims.

Toothless jumps up on the lounge with her. I sit next to the excitable dog. He licks my face.

"Eughhhhh. You know that doesn't wash out easily." I groan.

He licks Astrid as well. She looks at him in disgust but then starts laughing. I guess laughing is contagious and I start laughing as well. Toothless seams to smirk evilly them jumps off the lounge and runs off.

"Wow he's a character." She laughs.

"He's annoying but I love him." I say wiping the slobber on to the lounge.

"I can see that. Anyway I was going to ask. Me and Heather are planning on going to a caravan park in the holidays. I was wondering if you would like to come cause heather's inviting Fishlegs and I do want to third wheel you know." She asks.

"Sure I'll come. Are the twins coming?" I ask.

"Maybe but Snoutlout snoutface won't be in a mile from us." She says.

"I like that idea."

We talk for a while longer then she gets up saying she needs to go home. Being the gentleman I am. I wake her out well technically limp.

"See you tomorrow." I say waving at her.

"Yeah see you tomorrow." She runs off to her car.

I smile then notice toothless looking at me.

"Oh what are you looking at?" I limp back into the house.

If Astrid gave hiccup an umbrella we would of had the umbrella scene Hiccstrid style

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