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We walk into the carnival wearing bright blue wrist bands. Meaning we can go on any ride as many times as we want. I ran over to a ride called Pirate's revenge. A log ride that had an almost dead straight drop.

"Guess we're going on that." Heather laughs.

We wait in line then get into the log. I sit at the front with hiccup beside me. Heather and Fishlegs are behind us and ruff and Snoutlout behind them. Tuff up the back.

"Well this is going to be fun." Hiccup says are we climb an incline.

"Indeed it is talking fishbone." I chuckle.

"Talking fishbone where'd that come from?" He laughs.

"I dunno but it suits you." I laugh.

We reach the top and the camera snaps a picture of us going down. We laugh going down the first drop. We start the second drop this ones almost dead straight.

"If your going to call me talking fishbone I need to call you something." He says.

"Oh really like what?" I quiz him.

"Ummmm. If my Norse is correct your name means divine beautiful?" He asked unsure.

"Divine Beauty."

"Then I shall call you that."

We hear a creak and the ride surges forward. We all scream. With tuff making the weirdest yelling noise ever and repeating 'we're gonna die!'

The water splashes us and we exit the log. We jog over to the photo booth. Two photos are displayed. Me doing to the peace sign hiccup doing bunny ears to me. Heather and Fishlegs pulling faces. Snoutlout kisses Ruff's check and tuff wait what!

I nudge hiccup and point it out. He starts chuckling.

"Those are honestly a good couple." He whispers.

"Agreed." We glance over to them and they are talking away from us.

(Time skip brought to you by the lazy author trying to kill a fly)

We eat the pizza we bought at a table watching the fireworks in the sky. Ruff was very stunned at the moment still of the log ride incident. Heather and Fishlegs were talking to each other. They were holding hands and thought nobody was watching. The last firework explodes in the sky in a shower of blue.

"It's so pretty." I mumble.

"You can say that again." Hiccup says.

We stand up after we finish our pizza.

"Can we go on the Ferris wheel?" Heather asks.

We all agree and walk towards it. We walk up to the very short line. Heather, Fishlegs, snoutlout and the twins climb in one then the guy closes the cage.

"Looks like we'll be together." I roll my eyes.

"I swear they do this on purpose." Hiccup mutters.

We climb in and sit side by side. It rocks softly as we rise higher into the air.

"It's beautiful." I say.

"Not as beautiful as you." I hear him mutter.

"What did you say?" I ask leaning over.

"Nothing." He turns red and I giggle.

"You said something." I smirk.

"I didn't say anything!" He exclaims his eyes widening.

"You did I heard you!" I say.

"Fine. Remember in the hospital when I told you someone likes you?" He asks.

"Yeah." I nod.

"It's me who like you." He says quietly.

"I knew it." I say.

He looks up and smiles his crooked smile. His auburn hair blows gently in the breeze. I bite my lip. I can't just kiss him can I? I throw caution to the wind (I swear no pun intended) and crash my lips against his. It's short and I pull away. He kisses me again. I kiss back then hear cheers.

"Finally." Heather says.

The gang are turned around watching us. We are at the top of the Ferris wheel. They are below us but get the perfect view of us. I roll my eyes but can't wipe the smile off my face.

Yes hiccstrid kiss
Well I knew this was coming cause I've been planning this chapter for a while

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