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I sit in my hospital bed. I'm bored out of my mind. There is nothing on tv and no one to talk to. I tried calling people but for some reason they won't pick up.
Well Fishlegs's phone is off. Astrid won't pick up. Tuff smashed his phone and ruff declines then call. Heather well I have no idea what's with hers.

Suddenly the door opens and Astrid walks in.

"Hey." She smiles.

"Hi." I smile back.

She sits on the couch. I look at her face and notice she has bags under her eyes.

"Why do you look so tired?" I ask.

"Your dog enjoys keeping people up at night." She yawns.

"Oh sorry." I say.

"Nah it's fine. Besides if I didn't take him he would have ended up at a pet hotel." She laughs.

(What's the place called where you send your pets when your away. I've never had I do it)

I smile at her.

"So what's happened while i was out?" I asked.

"Nothing much. We'll sort of. Snoutlout is actually being nice to us. He even offered to go see you and I think he was actually worried about you when you crashed." She explains.

She's avoiding eye contact with me. I smirk at her. She lifts her head.


"You like me don't you?" I say almost laughing.

"What. N-n-n-no! W-w-why would you think that?" She stammers her eyes growing wide.

"Welllllll. A little birdy told me someone likes me." I rise an eyebrow at her.

"It was Heather wasn't it! She is so dead when I next see her. Or maybe I'll just do the same thing to her." She mumbles the last bit but I hear it.

"Wait what?"

"Heather may like someone." She admits.

"Oooo do tell." I laugh.

"Nope cause you'll just tell him." She smirks.

"Hmm let me guess." I stroke my imaginary beard. "Is it Snoutlout?"

"Eww no who would like that?" She laughs.

"Hint please?" I ask.

"Blonde hair. Green eyes."

"Is it Fishlegs?"

"Wow your good."

"We're getting off topic so do you like me?" I smirk again.

"I will hit you." She raises her fist.

"Just give me your honest answer." I say.

"Yes I do like you but please don't hate me. Also don't tell the world like I guy in primary school did to me." She looks down at her feet.

"I won't I promise. Plus the guy that likes you will be crushed." I smile.

"Someone likes me. I bet it's Snoutlout." She groans.

"No. He's nicer to you than him."

Her phone buzzes and she looks at it.

"Sorry I gotta go. My mum needs me at home. Toothless may have found out your coming home soon and trashed the lounge room. With help of course." She gets up.

"Wait." I grab her hand.


"Can you come see me tomorrow?" I blush slightly.

"Of course. I was planning to anyway." She smiles then jogs out the door.

"It's me who likes you." I whisper.

Annnnnd another chapter done
Truth be told it's about time hiccup found out Astrid likes him
anyway till next chapter

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