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I pull on a red t-shirt and a blue pair of ripped jeans. I pull on my brown calf boots and do the laces up. I braid my hair to the side. (Like a modern version of Httyd 2 outfit) i walk out and see Hiccup wearing a green shirt with a brown leather jacket. He has brown jeans on with black converse on. His hair is still damp from his shower.

"Heya hottie." I smirk at him.

"Hey." He smirks right back.

The twins run in hair flying. Ruff is wearing ripped jeans with a black shirt and a green cardigan. Tuff has a similar outfit cept brown jeans green shirt and black zip hoodie.

"What up lovebirds?" Ruff falls onto the couch.

"Says the one dating Snoutlout." I tease her.

Her checks flush red. She mumbles something under her breath.

Heather comes out wearing a black t-shirt and silver skirt she has black tights and brown boots.

"Ready to go?" She asks.

"Just waiting on Fishy and Snot." Tuff says.

Fishlegs comes out wearing a brown shirt with green pants. His brown vans are slightly scuffed.

"Did I miss anything?" Snoutlout is at the gate.

He has a black leather jacket on with a green t-shirt. Brown jeans and black boots.

"Let's go!" I yell and climb into Heather's car.

Hiccup sits next to me in the back. Fishlegs is shotgun and Heather is driving. Tuff sits in the driver side in the back with ruff and Snoutlout in the boot.

"So where are we heading?" Snoutlout asks leaning over the back seats.

"Berserker Town." Heather replies backing out of the space.

She drives to the top of the park and out the boom gate. I put my head on Hiccup's shoulder breathing in his scent. He wraps his arms around me. I hear Ruff 'awww'. I don't care. We arrive at the town and see a ton of shops.

"We have to go to the arcade." Tuff points at a shop with flashing lights.

"Yeah it's really awesome in there." Heather parks in front of it. I climb out after tuff. We walk into the flashing arcade and see all the games. We go up to the counter and see a boy with dark brown hair in a man bun.

"A 30 dollar game card please." Heather hands over a 20 and 10 dollar note.

"Here you go." He hands a black and purple game card to her.

We walk around and find a two player dance game.

"You two totally have to go on that." Heather pushes me and hiccup towards it.

"Alright then no need to shove." I step onto the game pad.

Hiccup gets on the other one. We scroll through the songs after Heather swipes the card twice. I find the best song ever and smirk at hiccup.

"Fine." He chuckles.

I hit ok and gangman style starts playing. The arrows fly up the screen.

"Up up down right left jump." Hiccup tries to mess me up.

"No way Haddock!" I laugh.

"I will never lose." He wobbles from his leg slightly.

The songs ends and I win by 130 points.

"Ha! I win!" I say.

"There's two more round my pick next."

After a very heated round of Good Time and a very close round of Flying High it shows the scores.

Player 1: 120546

Player 2: 120564

"Noooo!" I shout.

"Ha told you I would win." He points at me.

The gang are scattered around the room. The twins are on a racing game. Fishlegs and Heather are on a claw game. Snoutlout is on a first person shooter.

"Welp I guess we wait." I say.

We walk over to a little bench and sit down. Hiccup slings his arm around me and I red my head on his shoulder like in the car. His kisses my head.

"Aww Rachel check that out. Why can't we do that?" A boy with blonde hair asks the girl with bright purple hair.

"I don't enjoy public displays of affection." The girl says quietly.

"And that's a reason why I love you." He kisses her cheek.

Her checks go pink and she smiles.

"They are cute together." Hiccup says.

"I agree. Hiccup I've got a question."

"Ask away."

"What are we?"
Kept my promise I updated
And I'm sad to say
This book has 1 more chapter left and an epilogue

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