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The screech of tires makes me whip my head around. I see a car collide with Hiccup's car. I leap out of my car and Stormfly follows me. Fishlegs and the twins get out. I even see Snoutlout run towards the wreckage. Heather left before us.

"Hiccup!" I yell.

I hear toothless barking and howling. Stormfly starts howling and barking as well. I fling open the passenger door and toothless jumps out.

"Hello? I need an ambulance now..........long beach.......car crash." Ruff is on the phone.

Toothless is whimpering and Stormfly is sitting next to him. She's gently nuzzling him. I peer in the car and see hiccup slumped in the seat and his legs crushed by the caved in dash.

"Astrid we can't do anything." Fishlegs pulls me out.

I hear the sirens getting closer and notice everyone is looking sad. Even the dogs are whimpering. I nod then we go wave the ambulance down.

I walk through the door and throw down the keys. Toothless and Stormfly follow me in. I was the only one who volunteered to take him home. A little note is stuck on the fridge.

Had to work late food is on the stove

I open the pot to reveal some pasta. I place the lid down and walk into the lounge room. I'm not hungry and I don't think I could keep the food down. When they pulled hiccup out of the car there was blood everywhere.

I shake my head trying to get rid of the memory. Toothless looks miserable and Stormfly sits next to him.

"Dinner time for you two I think." I say trying to cheer him up.

Instead of jumping around happily at my feet, Stormfly keeps an even paste with toothless. His leg clicks sadly as he walks. I bend down and throw my arms around him.

"You poor thing." I say then pat his head.

I fill Stormfly's bowl then get out one for toothless. I fill it then try to eat myself. I eat some then walk back to the lounge room and turn in the tv. I flick through the channels then decide on The Duff. Toothless curls up in Stormfly's bed with her. I grow tired then just fall asleep on the couch. The last thing I remember is the loud snores of toothless and Stormfly.
___________________________ ______________
So just a filler chapter
Nothing much to say
Well Hakuna Matata

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