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After we caught the dogs we just talked for a while then Heather came home with me.

"So what do you want to do now?" I ask while flopping on to my bed.

"I dunno. It's your place." Heather spins on my desk chair.

"I have a question." I say rolling over so everything is upside down.

"And what would that be?"

"Do you like Fishlegs?"

Heather immediately turns bright red and she starts shaking her head at 100 miles per hour.

"N-n-n-no w-w-why would y-y-you think that!" She stutters.

"Hmmmmm let's think shall we? You turned red, you stuttered, you denied it straight away and you hang out with him a lot." I list on my fingers.

"Fine then. Yes I do like him but he probably just likes me as a friend." She sighs.

"Ask him out." I smirk.

"That's my line." She crosses her arms and huffs.

I laugh at her comment then Stormfly and Windshear race into my room. They both jump on my bed and lick my face.

"Ewww get off." I laugh pushing them away from me.

The two race out again.

"Those are some energetic dogs." Heather says.

I nod as they race down the stairs. I'm amazed they still have energy after they chased the fire truck from one end of the park to the other.

"Well Astrid I gotta go. Dad wants me home so see ya tomorrow." Heather gets up then walks out.

I wave then get up and go to my laptop. I wake it up and look at my English assessment. A 1000 word essay on a book. (I've got no clue about assessments that 15 years olds get) I read over it quickly then edit it. My phone buzzes and I look at the screen.

MUM: I'm running late tonight so you'll have to do dinner

ASTRID: ok then

I sigh then walk downstairs to the kitchen. Stormfly is sitting near her bowl.

"I'm getting your dinner just wait." I say to her patting her head.

I pull out some dog meat and fill up her dish. Then get my dinner ready.

I know it's just a filler chapter but some action is in the next chapter

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