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We all sit out on the veranda watching tv. It's 7 o'clock and the sun is still up. I get up and walk over to the fence and look over the railing. In between the trees I see a blue patch.



"Is there a beach down there." I point towards the trees.

"Yep." She pops the p.

"Can we go down there for a little while?" I ask looking hopefully at the gang.

"Sure." She gets up and turns the tv off.

We grab our swimmers and put them on. The twins grab two super soakers. We walk down towards the bottom of the park. Fishlegs and Heather trail behind talking. The twins ran ahead having a race. Me and hiccup walked together.

"You know I've haven't swam since the accident." He says.

"That's ok isn't it?" I ask looking at him.

"Yeah that's fine. I know what to do the lady told me." He says.

"Do you ever get that feeling that the gang is trying to set us up?" I ask him.

"Like right now? Yes." He says laughing.

"I think Heather watches to much anime." I laugh.

"Or Heather just likes putting couples together. I heard her talking to Fishlegs about getting ruff and Snoutlout together." He shakes his head.

"Honestly that would be a good couple." I say.


We follow a dirt path that is covered in leaves and bugs. We eventually reach the water and the twins are already squirting each other with the water guns. We walk over to a table and dump our towels and clothes. Hiccup takes his shirt off and I see he has a six pack. He catches me looking.

"Like what you see?" He smirks.

I look away blushing and run into the water. He follows and immediately splashes me. I wipe the salt water out of my eyes.

"Oh it's on." I say and splash him back.

He laughs and gets a mouthful of water. He pulls a really face then pushes me in the water. I grab his right leg and pull him in as well. I get back up and he pulls me down. We sit in the water laughing. Is it bad I want to kiss him so bad? Then two streams of water hit us straight in the face. I spit the water out that got in my mouth.

"Loki'd!" The twins yell then run off to Fishlegs and Heather.

"I had a feeling they were going to do that." Hiccup shakes his head.

"It's the twins what do you expect? Them sitting calmly on a rock meditating?" I ask.

"Fair point." He says.

He shakes his head like a dog would drying off. Most of the water gets me.

"Hey watch it." I shove him under.

"Sorry." He says sweetly.

I flick my hair in his face. He laughs. I stand up and help him up as well. The twins run past and knock us over. I land on top of him and we accidentally kiss.

Haha go the twins
Finally a hiccstrid kiss
And on Valentine's Day as well
Hilariously hiccstrid in this book has a better relationship than I've ever had

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