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I'm tried. So tired. I can barley stay awake in class and Heather keeps saying I should just stay home but I refuse too. Everything gets a bit fuzzy as I stare at the clock. I rest my head on my head and close my eyes.

"Astrid!" Ms Binjo yells.

"huh?" I blink.

"Please try to stay awake." She says.

I nod then feel my eyes drop again. I shake my head and gently slap my checks.

"You should stay home tomorrow. You look like you've been hit by a train." Ruff says.

I nod. I struggle to keep my eyes open. Thank goodness it's last period. I close them again and then notice miss is setting up a projector. I sigh in relief.

"Ruff when the bell goes wake me up." I whisper to her.

She nods and I wait till the lights are off then put my head on the table.

Ruff shakes me awake and I get up. I groan in displeasure because I really need sleep.

"Hey just go home and sleep. I'll come over and pick toothless up." She says as we walk out.


Toothless has been howling at night keeping me awake. When he settles down he is usually on my bed making me uncomfortable. I walk to Heather's car and she's already standing there.

"Come on. You need sleep and I'm going to the hospital today. I'll call you if he wakes up." She smiles as I climb in the car.

I smile then get comfortable in the seat. I close my eyes and fall asleep.

Hiccup's POV
I open my eyes and see I'm not in my room. The walls are white and I hear a faint beeping noise to my left. Also loud snoring. Wait the memories are coming back to me. The beach, the crash and then nothing. I sit up slowly and see all types of machines hooked up to my arm. My dad is asleep on the couch.

I look at my bedside table and see flowers and cards. Also a little dragon toy. I lift it up and cuddle it. The last thing my mum gave me before she disappeared. Heather walks in and notices me sitting up.

"Hiccup your awake." She hugs me and my head pounds.

"Ow." I croak.

"Sorry. Stoick wake up." She shakes my dad.

"Arghh!" He yells.

He notices me.

"Hiccup." He cries then hugs me.

"Dad......can't......breathe." I say then gasp for air.

"Sorry son. You've just been out for two weeks." He says.

Two weeks. Wow I never knew hitting your head against a steering wheel could put you out for that long.

"Wow. When can I go home?" I ask.

"Uhhhhh. Son you may have to stay in for about a week." Dad says scratching his neck.

"Why?" I ask.

"You have to get used to.......well.....your leg." He nervously says.

"I'm used to my legs. I mean they'll be a bit stiff but....." I stop.

I look down a the sheets and notice that my right leg is there but only a little bit of my left is there. I cautiously pull off the blankets and sigh. Only about half my leg is there. I look up at my dad.

"It was crushed and the bones were shattered. Also to much of the skin was damaged to repair it. They had to amputate." He says.

Heather is outside on the phone. I sigh then pull the blankets back over. My eyes widen in shock.

"Toothless! Is he alright? Where is he?" I ask worried for my friend.

"He's fine a girl's looking after him."

Astrid I bet. Stormfly and him are really close. A nurse walks in and smiles at me.

"I'm just here to tell you what is going to happen."

Annnnnnnd I'm back
Anyway so hiccup has just found out he's lost his leg
How will Astrid react
Tune in next chapter to find out
(I know that was cheesy)

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