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I stare at my celling. Astrid dropped me off about an hour ago. It felt so right when I was hugging her. Why don't I have the guts to ask her out. It's not like she's going to say no. I mean Heather even told me she liked me. Toothless jumps onto me.

"Hey buddy." I pat his head.

He barks in my face and I push him away.

"Useless mammal. I will take for you a walk later." I say.

He sits impatiently at the end of my bed. I lay back down and sigh.

"Why can't I just ask her out?" I ask him.

He barks.

"Exactly. I lack guts. Why am I such a wimp. I mean I've got no guts and I'm like a weakling." I sigh.

He barks again. I get up and grab my guitar. I sit down and balance it on my knee. I start playing Welcome to my life by simple plan.

"Welcome to my life. Welcome to my life." I sing the last lyric.

Toothless sits looking up at me.

"Come on let's go for that walk." I say and put my guitar down.

I grab my crutches and limp out to the stairs. I carefully go down the stairs.

"I'm heading out dad!" I yell.

"Ok!" He yells from his study.

I limp out the door and clip toothless's lead into his red collar. He walks slowly knowing I'm injured. We walk around the block and back.

"Sorry buddy. I can't take you for longer walks." I pat his head.

He does his best impression of a smile. I smile back and we walk inside. I reach my room and phone starts ringing. It's Heather.

Hiccup: hello

Heather: hey im just ringing to tell you the exact date of when we are going down the caravan

Hiccup: hit me

Heather: why would I hit an injured man?

Hiccup: ha ha very funny

Heather: anyway it's the 24th to the 1st

(Random dates)

Hiccup: right see ya on Monday

Heather: see ya

I hang up and grab one crutch and practice on one of them. Toothless watches from my bed. I slip and toothless catches me barely.

"Thanks bud." I try again.

Credit to who ever made the video I put in
Next chapter is going to be when they go to Heather's van

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