14. like a wolf in headlights

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I didn't know where I was going or where I was running to, I just needed to escape. Escape from everything. It was a temporary solution, but it was to protect me from hurting Adrian. I didn't want to hurt him even more than I already did. The guilt I have for turning him into a monster like me would would always keep me awake at night, even at the most when I'm exhausted. There was no escaping from it.

I'm a monster, and I need to accept who I am. I don't have anything left anymore, no family, no home, or even my own car to drive away from this madness. Everything was gone, and I was just running from the inevitable.

The tree branches slapped my face and scratched the surface of my skin as I ran as far away as I could from Adrian's home. I needed to create enough distance away from him so he wouldn't find me. Even though I know he will find it eventually, I just hope at this point that im deas so I wouldn't hurt him anymore.

I had run until I had come to a complete stop in an open field. My lungs felt sore as I rested my hands on my knees. I tried to contain my breath, but I couldn't since my spine began to crack, making me fall to my knees. The pain started to come in shocks, and every few minutes, I felt a new shock of pain snap inside my body. I weeped in agony as I lay on the ground as I felt it.

I couldn't believe I was going through this all over again. I couldn't bear the pain much longer. I would rather die than have to go through this pain, but it seems to me that I have no other choice. Tears started to stream down my cheeks as I looked up at the opened raining sky and felt myself cry out a roar of a monster. The rain didn't make the pain subside, but in a way, I wish by some miracle it did.

The rain drops kissed my cheeks and entered inside my eyes, thinking it would help the pain, but it didn't. I felt my spine popped and I felt the bumps of my back pop out as I slipped off the shirt I had on. I let it a shriek as I dig my nails in the skin of my back and tore the flesh off, crying out loud when I tore another piece after another. The pain then became an urge of itch that needed to be scratched. I groaned when I began to grow my claws, and my hands began to bleed, and my own flesh was being replaced by fur. I let out my loudest cry for help out one more time when I collapsed into the mud.

It seemed that the pain had won once again. However, it disappeared, and I felt like a completely different being. I had turned back to the beast.

I became fully shapeshifted. I still tasted my own blood in my mouth as I spit up some more onto the mud and saw my hands were unrecognizable. They were dark with fur and claws of a bear of some sort. I was the one thing I'm most afraid of. I looked down and saw some of the pieces of the torn clothing that I had on.

Before I could be sent into a panic, a scent came to me, and my stomach began to grumble once more ,sensing I had to eat something immediately.

I stood on my new legs and began to run through the woods when I collapsed once again on something a lot harder than the soil in the woods. I still wasn't used to my new body and figured I needed to catch on pretty quick before Adrian found me. I felt the surface, and it was a rock surfaced concrete road. I stood on my feet when two flashing lights were coming my way. Then it came clear to me when it was a red truck.

It seemed like there were two people inside the vehicle itself. The truck started to scream its horn at me, signaling to me it wasn't stopping and that I should probably get out of the way, the vehicle was coming in way too fast, and it would be a risk to stop and then risk the truck flipping over and killing the passengers. Instead, I jumped onto the roof where I could hear screaming coming from the inside.

The vehicle began to swerve, attempting to knock me over to fall off. I hung on to the vehicle with my claws tearing into the exterior. I was able to pull my body up until I was lying flat onto the top of the bed. The panicked screams interrupted my hearing and was making my ears ring for some reason. I raised my fist up in the air and punched the roof through the truck as hard as I could, using my claws to cut open the shield that protected them from me. Finally, I began to tear my way through and made a hole big enough to insert my hand in.

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