28. the nightmare that came true

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|Kristen's P.O.V|

My eyes slowly began to open to find myself lying on a bright green meadow, the trees slightly swaying against the calm winds and the grass feeling like clouds almost. Am I dead? I didn't feel like I was. I slowly rise up until I sitting up a little and looking around me, I was in a meadow in the early of the day? Strange. I was alone.

I look to see I was dressed in completely different clothing, a long white spring dress. I finally stood to my feet and noticed I was barefoot as well. I need to find my way out of here.

My feet carried me across the open meadow where I was surrounded by numerous lush green trees and even noticed a few purple flowers were bloomed across the small pasture. However, I noticed the more I continued to walk the more I could feel like is as stepping into a puddle so when I looked down at my feet, it wasn't dew from the rain that was coating the grass, it was pure vibrant red. Blood?

It was until then I heard the sound of something or someone making snal put of my trance. I turned to see it but no one was there...then I heard it again.

"Adrian?" I called out. My voice echoed loudly against the leaves of the trees. Something feels so wrong, and I can't place it yet, but I'm getting an ugly feeling in my gut.

I decided to walk through the beautiful trees and came across a path that seemed like some sort of a vehicle has driven through it, the grass was smoothed over so I continued to walk to see what was on the end of it. I heard the sound once again, and this time, I started to walk faster until I heard the sound of someone biting. I stopped and turned to my left, seeing there was someone hidden in the trees.

I gulped a little before walking through the branches and again.. I found myself in the same meadow again...this time.

I found out what the noise was.

There was a girl hunched over something wearing a similar dress like my own. I didn't see her face as I started to walk closer to her.

"Are you okay?" I whispered, but it sounded like I called out. Again, I heard my voice echo.

She didn't look up right away, so I tried to figure out what she was doing. I took a few steps to see what she hunched over, and all I could see was the legs of an animal.

Hooves, to be exact.

Then she turned and looked up at me. She seemed oddly familar, very young.

Her mouth was coated in blood as it started to drip down to her throat all the way to the base of her dress, like the one I was wearing. Her eyes were dark gold, and I was able to get a good look at what she was hovered over, a dead dear. The young girl never took her eyes off of me.

In a flash of a second, the deer wasn't near her anymore, and it was right next to me. I was knelt down on the grass, and my arms were now painted like crimson. The young girl was now looking directly at me as she began to smile, her teeth colored red.

My heart began to beat faster out of fear and confusion, I looked at the deer itself, only for it to rise its head up to turn and look at me as if it were alive. The neck of the animal was chewed to a point where the animal shouldn't even be moving.

The deer started to blink and look at me before I looked over at the girl before finally snapping at who it was.

The little girl was me.


Then my eyes snap open once again, and I'm more than sure that this is for real.

"Adrian." Was the first word to escape my lips, looking around me, he wasn't there. In fact, he wasn't anywhere near me or to be seen from a distance.

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