17. inebriated thoughts

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|Kristen's P.O.V|

I watched Adrian come out of the local drug store with two cases of beer, which made me think about when I was younger and Steven would buy use only one case, and it was a completely different brand. I never like that brand of beer, but I wanted Steven to like me, so I just pretended I liked it. This time, I hope I won't puke in front of Adrian. That would be embarrassing. Besides, I don't want him to tease me about it forever. It already gets on my nerves.

He hopped inside the vehicle and drove off quickly. "You want to get us pulled over?" I asked sarcastically.

"I feel like that guy back there was starting to notice who I was. I don't want to risk anything."

"Well shit. Where do we go?"

"I know a place."

"It better not be another damn forest, I swear.." I rolled my eyes as I looked out the window. The stars were out, and the skies were crystal clear. A moon was shining on the black roads.

"What do you got against forests. I thought werewolves loved forests." He chuckles. "Besides, don't worry, we're not going to a forest." Adrian then reassures me.

"It's just... memories I don't want to think about." I tell him honestly. I crossed my arms as I attempted to not think about Steven again. I hate thinking so much about him. Why was I even with him? My mother couldn't stand the look of him, and she always told me he gave off a weird vibe.

I should've listened to my mother. I miss her so much. Why can't I just go home and embrace her in my arms? Why does this have to be scary for me?

"Did I ever tell you the time I saw a wolf when I was hiking one time with my dad?" Adrian then asks me. I furrowed my brows as I looked over to him. What was he doing? Was he really trying to take my mind off of things? I thought he hated me.

However, I didn't want to start another lame argument just for the sake. I wanted to be right, and instead, I just shook my head. "No, you haven't."

Adrian then looked over on the road as she reminisced on the old memory. "I wish I could remember how old I was at the time, but I can't even tell you that. My dad and I loved fishing, and we used to go into the forest that was behind our house since there was a lake hidden in there. It's a small lake, but it still had tons of fish in there." He began to smile as he remembered that day.

I started to imagine a young Adrian. His hair was probably lighter than it is now. His eyes were perhaps brighter and greener than the natural leaves on the trees. I even began to picture a tooth missing or two considering how young he was, full of excitement and pure childhood innocence. I started to picture an older man as well who could resemble his father.

I wonder how Adrian's father looked, how he possibly dressed for the day to go fishing. The mud boots. The overalls to get into the water to pull out some heavy freshwater eating. I pictured how young Adrian would be so excited to spend some quality time with his dad. I wish I could have a memory like that.

Any memory of my father. I wish I could know what my own father looked like. I would give anything to know. Anything at all. Even my own soul just to see a photo of him. I wondered if I looked anything like him? There has to be some resemblance.

"We walked through the forest, and I remember some ants were biting the hell out of me. I was still so excited because it was a foggy morning. It was so early that my mother was still asleep and if she had found out that my father was taking me to the forest, She would be so angry at him." Adrian then laughed as I followed.

"We ended up hearing something breathing in the woods, and my dad then told me to stop and hide behind him, so I did. I could hear something breathing, and I thought it was some sort of bear or something. But when the shadow appeared before us. It was a black wolf. It had the brightest gold eyes I've ever seen. This son of a bitch was massive and was much taller than me." Adrian then gestured the wolf's size as I giggled but I was still in shock that he's seen a deadly predator before him.

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