15. a face to fear

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My feet carried me through the mud, and somehow, they led me to another road where there was a gas station, and only three vehicles were parked there. I knew I could hear walking from strangers and cars driving by from a far. One man was putting gas in his truck while a customer was inside the store.

I didn't want to think much about it, but I did end up finding a small stream and rinsed myself off, so I could only hope there's not too much blood on me. I know it looks completely suspicious that a strange woman would walk barefooted towards a gas station in the middle of nowhere. I don't even know where I was. I assumed I was far from Adrian. I could only hope that my scent was washed away from the rain.

Even if someone were to ask, I could just jokingly say that I murdered someone and they will laugh and try to come up with another excuse in their head as they figure why I'm covered in red. That sounds so fucking stupid. I'll just keep my head down and ignore any confrontation. For all I know, eyes could be watching me already and I don't even know yet.

I kept my head down as I walked by the gas station, no one was even paying attention, so that was a good sign that I don't stick out of the ordinary, I guess. I'm sure many crackheads come by here and the public folks was already use to seeing some pretty strange things. I did look a little homeless with a blood stained brown tank top, a cut on my shoulder and a few blood caked underneath my nails. My hair was drenched in rain and smelled like fresh blood. My feet were covered in mud and grass. I looked like a complete mess. I looked disgusting.

I walked through the doors of the convenient store, hearing the bells ring as I did so. The scent of sanitizer and old food on the display filled my nose immediately. I didn't want to gag right then and there, but I know I did make a face that could read that I was disgusted, but no one seemed to notice the smells. Another perk of being a lycan I guess?

It was, however, very quiet and eerie while the static in the intercom played old country music, but sadly, it made everything seem trashier than it was. I know I was here for a reason.

I was still hungry but I wanted to eat something a bit more normal. I didn't have any cash on me so what am I suppose to do? I walked down the aisles, my eyes scanning on the numerous junk food snacks displayed on the shelves. I noticed the powdered donuts next to the cinnamon rolls wrapped in cellophane.

I then strolled over to the refrigerators where they held numerous beverages ranging from energy drinks, to sodas to alcohol. Nothing was catching my eye, but I did crave some water. I walked over to the end of the aisle to see the countless brands of water ranging from the generic to the most expensive. Who the hell would pay close to four dollars on a bottle of water?

I opened the fridge, grabbed the bottle of water on the bottom, before twisting the cap off and drinking the entire bottle in three drinks. The chill traveled down my throat and coated the inside lining of my full stomach. It felt nice to finally hydrate after all I've been through. I sniffed before wiping my mouth with the back of my hand as a few drops of water were dripping down my chin.

"Hey, you gotta pay for that!" I heard a woman yell from the opposite side of the store. The old cashier woman, I'm assuming. I began to hear her smokers cough erupt after she scolded me. "It's fifty cents." I recall.

"Still gotta pay, honey." She coughed once again before cursing to herself and excusing herself to the back room. I know I should be the good samaritan and pay for the damn bottle. I grabbed another since I was still craving more, I took another big drink as I walked towards the front where my eyes then scanned over the counter and spotted a tip jar.

It was pointless change. Quickly, I looked around and didn't see the cashier before I grabbed four quarters from the jar and laid them out on the counter when she walked out from the backroom. The cashier walked over with a cigarette dangling from her chapped wrinked lips. Her hair was dirty blonde and tied it a messy ponytail, which I could only assume it was an attempt.

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