11.insults over breakfast

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Quickly, we rushed, packing every last piece of clothing we had and everything we took from the bathrooms and including the first aid kit, and shoved it in Adrian's duffle bag he bought.

Once we finished, I switched off the lights, and I followed Adrian outside towards the van. The sirens were now getting closer, and my heart was starting to race for the absolute worst.

We hid behind the vehicle when the cop cars drove right past the hotel. Apparently, a firetruck was on the way as well. Perhaps a fire was going on that seemed more important than chasing a couple of criminals. A sign of luck, I should say.

I sighed in relief.

"That was way too close." I muttered under my breath.

"We're not out of the woods yet, Hunter." Adrian commented as he opened the back door of the van to put the bag in the backseat.

That's when I heard whistling and cheering from across the road to the other lot of the hotel building and there sat at least five bikers on their bikes with their beards and cheap whiskey that I could smell all the way from here.

The things they were saying were making my blood boil. "What, what's wrong, what are they saying?" Adrian asked me.

"Disgusting pigs." I say through my teeth. A man was talking about how he took advantage of a woman the other night, and the rest of his buddies were cheering him on. Sick.

"Kristen, just ignore them." Adrian advised. He tapped me on the shoulder to remind me to get moving already.

I shook my thoughts away and tried my absolute hardest, but one of the men was getting specific. I don't know if I could control my anger this time. It's getting trickier every time.

"Kristen.. let it go." Adrian scolds.

"Do you hear what these assholes are saying?" I turn to Adrian to argue.

"Yes. I do. We need to go now." He gestured towards the van, but the words seemed it be getting louder and occupying my head.

"No, I feel like these assholes could use a good lesson." I turn my heel towards them.

"Kristen!" Adrian called out for me in a whispered tone. I stayed to march my way towards them out of anger.

"Kristen!" I felt a hand grip my shoulder and spun me around to see, Oh wow. Look! It's Adrian.

"What!" I stomped my foot impatiently.

"Look, we don't need any more evidence for those cops to find us. We can't be giving ourselves away like this. We need to get the hell out of here right now. Do you understand me, Kristen?" He began to scold me.

"Fine." I say. Frustrated.

For now.

Adrian suggested he should drive since we're going to his place that's a long way from here. I jumped in the passenger side while Adrian began to drive off.

The words from those nasty men started to get to me again, I clenched my fists so hard that I could feel my nails starting to grow and pierce the inside of my palms as we passed the strangers.

"I can't, Adrian." I stated. I hopped off the van while it was still driving. I noticed the men stopped their conversation to look at me with disgust and confusion.

"Kristen what the fuck are you doing?" I could hear Adrian yelling from the car as it halted to a complete stop right before the exit to the main road.

I continued my main mission when I walked closer towards the men. I marched towards the man talking shit and gave him a right hook to the jaw, causing everyone around to back in which and fear while they gasped.

HUNTER |Book 1|Where stories live. Discover now