2:fear is in the eye of the beholder

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|The Zoo-Scorpions|

For the third time, what seemed like I was pushed against the wall, I felt my body slamming against the hard bricks and bounce back, feeling a sharp pain strike my head. In an instant, my vision began to blur with the numbing pain rising with every passing second. I wanted to cry at that moment, but I couldn't show that to him.

Steven then held me still against the wall as I watched him grab my wrists and pin them above my head before squeezing them as tight as he could. The harsh grip was making me wince in pain as I hissed. The more I tried to release my hands, the more he squeezed, and I could feel the tiny bones in my wrists pop. Quickly, and out of panic, I kicked him in his groin to make him free my hands, but that was no use since it seemed like it didn't make him flinch.

Out of anger and frustration, Steven then pushed me hard against the wall once again. The numbing pain became more of a throbbing sore in the back of my head, and I'd fear I might have a concussion.

The blur in my eyes came back again, and the colors surrounding me seemed to be fading.

Steven's hands then rested on my shoulders, holding a tight grip on them to refrain me from attempting to escape again. My gut was screaming at me, and my brain was flashing red lights as if it were a sign to run away as fast as I could and never look back. Everything in my body was telling me that I was going to die in the arms of my boyfriend.

I know that this isn't the Steven I knew. This was someone completely different.

How could I run away when I'm literally barricaded in the arms of this man? I wanted to scream, but I fear that if I do, my life would be cut short right then. Or the fear that no one would even hear me since everyone here is way too drunk to comprehend what was happening around them.

Either way, I'm screwed and so terrified.

This time I knew I was in deep trouble, this man was severely drunk and I'm sure he has no control of what he's doing to me at this very moment and as every fucking second passes I grew stiff from fear. The fear made my feet stay glued to the concrete and my eyes water as he held me in place like a scared animal.

Tears were already forming in my eyes as I began to lose my control to breathe properly which made my chest move up and down rapidily trying to keep me alive as long as it can before something bad happens once again for the last time.

"I don't want to do this." he tells me in a tone which was very unfamiliar to me, his voice sounding very much unlike him. "Please, dont make me." He told me, and I grew a little confused. I kept gasping for air, and my voice seemed to be gone because I didn't have the strength to say anything else.

Steven closed his eyes shut, his hands seemed to be shaking, but I remained still and watched this unfold right in front of me.

"This is going to hurt, but only for a moment. I promise I'll make it quick." Steven threated, opening his eyes, and I noticed how piercing blue they were even in the dark shadows of the alley.

Steven's voice almost sounded like it came from a stranger, but with what the situation I'm in right now, that might just be it. Now that Steven was long gone. He wouldn't do this..would he? Did I piss him off that bad that he physically wants to put my life on the line? Perhaps, maybe end it?

I was promised that he would never hurt me.

Was I naive? Was I wrong to confront him about him ditching me on my birthday? Was I wrong for being worried about him and thinking something bad must've happened?

Before, I had the chance to escape, which I knew I couldn't because I was afraid he was going to hurt me again.

I was right about one thing, he did something that was so sickening to me that I knew I was going to have this pain and image stuck in my memories for the rest of my days as I walk this earth. Maybe if I walk away.

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