22.the red scarf

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"It's him." I say.

"Steven?" Adrian asked. It seemed like he knew already, but he didn't want to believe it.

"He was here, I remember when he gave me this." I held up the scarf that was in my palms. It almost felt as if the fabric was tightening around my hand. I'm guessing that's what fear and guilt do to you. I'm guilty because I should've seen this coming and how this was the one memory I wish I could forget. Maybe that sounds a little too harsh. The Steven I knew before all of this was a kind man. However, I need to learn that he's gone and is replaced by a vicious monster that's out to kill me.

"He came into my house for this?" He started to raise his tone, and I nodded my head. "Son of a bitch!" He cursed, turning around grabbing the doorframe with his hand, clenching around the wood until it started to crack underneath his newfound strength. "How the hell did he find us?"

"Adrian, we're werewolves." I reminded him.

"So he tracked us from back at the gas station?" He turned to me.

"He wasn't tracking us. He was tracking me." My blood began to boil. "Or least I think he is." Then again, he could be tracking Adrian as well, but I didn't know what for exactly. Maybe he wants Adrian out of the picture.

"What the hell does he want from us?" Adrian asks.

"He wants me,I'm sure he wants me dead. But not if I kill him first." I stated, gripping the scarf and pushing past Adrian, going towards the living room before stopping and rubbing my forehead in frustration.

"Why would he want you dead? I'm sure he could use you to his advantage." Adrian then started to theorize.

"He tried to kill me that night. I know he did. It didn't feel like a simple bite like what I gave you. He wanted me dead.. I think he's still trying to finish the job." I looked down, shaking my head in disbelief. I knew what I felt that night.

"What are you thinking about, we can't just go find him and kill him right off the bat." Adrian began to explain to me. He was right. We can't be the ones making the deadly move first. Steven wants us to be the ones to draw blood initially so that he has an advantage. It definitely sounds like something Steven would do. Regardless, I still wanted him out of my life for good. The faster, the better I could perhaps go back to being me.

"Well, what do you want me to do, we have to kill him before he comes after us when we're not expecting him." I say as an excuse. I didn't feel like waiting more and more just to get a taste of blood.

"Well, how are we going to find him?" Adrian then begans to ask me.

"Adrian, we're werewolves for crying out loud. We'll track him." My sarcasm is starting to come to light, and I think this could lead to an argument in the speed of light since I know for a fact that Adrian has a sense of sarcasm also.

"How do you track Kristen? If you're so good at being a werewolf when you're only just days old. I would personally like to know your ways to get around this." He started to take a step towards me with his arms crossed. He was getting annoyed by me already and, of course, impatient with my attitude.

"I don't know, okay? we can figure it out. It shouldn't be that hard to find the son of a bitch, we already know have his scent. He shouldn't be that far, I don't think." I began to clarify, raising up the scarf in hand.

"Now you're talking like an actual human being and not some animal." He laughed as he stated to grab a few of his things from his bedroom.

"Oh yeah, because a human knows the scent of a certain person...right very human." I roll my eyes. This man is something else.

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