30. hostage

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|Adrian's P.O.V|

I kept hearing murmurs, but they kept echoing out of my ears as if I were in a tunnel. I didn't think that I was dead, but there's probably a high chance that I am.

"Hey, wake up!" The words echoed again, but this time, it was starting to sound a lot more clear than before.

I didn't even think I'm awake, I didn't see anything, I could only hear.

"Hey!" I felt a sudden pain radiate on the side of my face. Was I just slapped?

The angry voice continued to shout at me, but I didn't feel another slap again. I just couldn't bring myself to wake up. I think I'm still sleeping. Was I even sleeping? Or was I possibly dead? I can't be dead. This can't be hell. I figured hell would be a lot worse than this.

Finally, I was able to lift my eyelids open and was blinded by a bright light that was hanging from the ceiling, which caused me to close my eyes once again due to the sensitivity. It was starting to give me a headache. I felt my breathing had slowed tremendously, and my arms were aching so bad that I couldn't even breathe properly to get air in my lungs. I tried to open my eyes again, feeling them burn against the light above me. I looked down to see that my feet were barely even touching the ground.


Wait a minute.

What the hell?

I tried to step down, but I was restrained. Then I felt my arms ache again before I looked up above me to see that I'm chained from the wrists above me. I tried yanking my arms in hopes of setting myself free from the chains, but I simply couldn't.

The more I tried, I kept getting this feeling in me as if I was carsick or something. I looked down and noticed that my arm was hooked up to a tube that followed to a dark bucket where my blood was slowly being drained from. Drops of my blood were painted the inside of the white bucket. Luckily. It only seemed like only maybe ten drops fell in.

I was still wearing my clothes from the night I had shapeshifted, but they were torn to the point that I'm surprised they're still on me.

"Oh shit.." I muttered to myself. I am looking down and feeling completely weak. I had to give up. I don't have my usual strength anymore now that I'm being drained.

"Yeah, you are in deep shit alright." I heard the same voice again. I looked up to see that I was the only one under the light, and I couldn't see anyone past it. The voice was in the shadows, but I could see a dark figure within them.

"Fucking show youself then." I threatened.

The voice then began to laugh a little before showing who the voice belonged to and I should've known who it was.


I sighed, I couldn't believe this was happening to me. I looked around me to see if Kristen was near, but I didn't see her at all. I tried to look behind me even, and there was no sign of her trapped or anything. She's gone. I couldn't even pick up her own scent. I guess that's a good thing she isn't here suffering the same torture as me. I wouldn't want her to go through this.

The memories from last night began to flood my thoughts. Everything was a lie, but there were a few key moments where I was fully aware of what was happening. The death of Kerian and Daniel shocked me to the core. I still couldn't believe that they're dead. What would my own brother think? He'll know that this was all a lycan's doing.

I remember when I was so angry yet hurt by the death of the hunters. It wasn't like I was close to them. They were my brother's friends, but still, they're dead because of me. Because of my carelessness, their lives were cut short. I couldn't say they didn't deserve it even though I warned them about Kristen, yet they still chose the path to kill her but failed.

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