29. before midnight

37 3 0

|Killing Moon-Echo & The Bunnymen|

My heart was racing, and I feared that it was going to burst out of my chest. I couldn't believe what happened just a minute ago. I never stopped running even though I was coming across broken beer bottles on the street as I ran right through them. I could hear multiple whistles coming from behind as I continued to run.

I came onto traffic where multiple bright lights and loud horns were being blasted at me. I managed to dodge ongoing cars as I continued to run through the busy road with blood drenching my shirt from a gunshot once again.

The adrenaline was coursing through my veins and felt like my vision was seeing more than perfect clarity. I could feel the breath of air hurt my nostrils as well as my lungs. The shooting never stopped coming from the multiple police officers and angry drivers. I managed to then dart out of the road and into a dark alley where I could start hearing the sirens of police. The blue and red lights flashed behind me as I ran through the alley, and the more I kept running, I began to smile.

A smile that was relief yet knowing that I'm a monster inside and no one knows. ..yet. I guess that's the most fun part is that no one has a clue what they're up against. That I'm a beast of the full moon, and they're treating like I'm some criminal that's just a psychotic human being.

I guess that's one big reason why a smile keeps growing bigger on my face.

I turned to see who was behind me, and sure enough, there were multiple police officers shouting and demanding for me to stop, but they weren't even close enough to tase me.

I continued my run, and I felt the heat in my chest start to rise once more. I wanted to turn fully into the beast. When I looked back, I realized how far the policemen were. So I guess it wouldn't hurt to shapeshift. Actually, it would be extremely painful for me. It was worth a shot anyway.

I ran underneath a staircase, which was hidden on the shadows as I felt my body tense and staff to crack from the inside out. I collapsed on my hands and knees as I winced in the pain that came upon me. Maybe this was a bad idea. It was too late now. I felt my hands contort into the claws of the beast. I could hear the sirens growing louder by the minute, so I needed to hurry this up before it'll be too late, and I would be caught dead.

I felt my body shed its skin before turning into my dark brown fur. I cried out in pain as the sounds came out like a howling animal. Finally. I was able to stand up and feel the beast completely take over. Now I can run. I jumped out from the shadows and continued to make a run for it. I noticed a few cop cars spotted me as they started to chase me down. I felt faster as a werewolf than a human, and the breeze of the cold air was more tolerable anyway.

There had to be a better way to get out of here since I was coming to a dead end. I was able to make a complete stop and look up at the tall buildings and wondered if I was able to jump and leap off a building to get to the roof like werewolves do in movies?

Only one way to find out, I sped up my pace before taking the jump and was able to grip onto the bricks with my feet before leaping off and doing the same thing on the opposite building before I landed on the roof.

I stopped for a bit, stunned at how I was able to do that.

I peeked down to see that the police officers were stunned and stopped, talking to their small radios. It was time for me to continue my run back home. I'm sure they were in just in shock as I was. It could be that there were witnessing something purely horrific. I couldn't believe that I couldn't do that, I never thought that would be even possible, but it was a good advantage to get away. I jumped on multiple roofs of building before I was able to jump down and started bolting my way out of the city.

HUNTER |Book 1|Where stories live. Discover now