24. all was rose tinted

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My blood was rising with anger, I wanted to run, not to stay here in this truck like some confined animal and be forced talk to Adrian who keeps asking me questions I don't have the answers to. I wish I did to every single one, but I'm stuck in a loop of my own desperation to go after Steven and end it all.

"Now what?" Adrian asked.

"I'm not sure. We should've killed him right there." I suggested.

"Oh yeah, in front of those people. Did you see the look on their faces?" He kept looking back to me and over to the road.

"I could care less about what they looked like." I rolled my eyes as I crossed my arms.

"Well, you should, Kristen. We can't be doing shit like this. You need to understand that after you kill him. Things would just end, and everything would be back to normal." He started to advise me as if I didn't know. I do know it wouldn't be over. There's still a huge threat to us.

"I will be back to normal, and so will you." I gazed at him.

"What are you saying?"

"I'm saying if we kill Steven, we'll both turn back to human. It makes sense right. I mean, he's the one who started it all. He could be the cure we've been searching for." I began to explain my own theory to the curse.

"Really, and what if you're wrong?" Adrian then questioned. It seemed like he held doubt, but I can't really blame him for that. It does sound a bit ridiculous, but then again, this entire situation is.

"Well, we got one less problem without him. But I still think we should go for it. It has to be that. It just has to be. If there was a cure, we've would've known about it by now."

"Really. How?"

"I feel like Steven would've teased about it but never mentioned a single thing because he knows it's him. We have to execute him for our freedom. It's the only way Adrian." I stated, full of promise.

"I don't know Kristen. It all seems too extreme. I feel like no matter what, it's going to end in a blood bath."

"Well, what's your plan?" I asked with a raised tone. I don't have anything else to plan. If we kept letting Steven roam free, he would kill me or the both of us.

"I don't know. I feel like we should stay back for a bit until he comes to us. We'll be ready with everything we have."

"You realize how stupid that is. He could come to us in the night and kill us while we're sleeping?"

"We'll know if he's coming. I'm not going after him."

"Well, I am." I pointed to my chest. "Stop the car." I demand.

"What?" Adrian creased his brows.

"Stop the car now!" I barked at him. I could feel everything inside me start to boil with anger, and I fear I might shapeshift in the truck and hurt Adrian without intent. I can't risk that. Finally, before Adrian could come into a steadily halt. I jumped out of the truck and ran into the field before stopping and crouching down to my knees.

I let out a frustrated scream. I started to pull on the ends of my hair as I tried to control my own frustration. I hate Steven! I hate him! Why did he do this to me!

The frustration was making my eyes burn as tears began to slip from them and coat my face. I then started to sob, letting my body go limp on my knees as I stared out into the sky. I bent down to grab the soil in between my nails that were forming into the claws of a wolf. I'm a monster that should be put down. "Why?" I sobbed out loud.

I wish I knew what I've done wrong to deserve this? Was it because I was alone with no friends, and it was a goof punishment for me to suffer because I was a little bit of an introvert? Because of my animalistic behavior, I turned an innocent man into a beast like me to suffer.

HUNTER |Book 1|Where stories live. Discover now