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I was waiting...very patiently might I add, for Clarr to stop babbling to herself and tell me what's wrong.

"Clarr..." I tried.

"Clarr" reply.

"Why the hell would he say that? Doesn't he have any respect or anything? Stupid boys , stupid boys."

"Clarrise freaking Lawson!" This got her to stop roaming around my room like a nomad finding shelter.

"Now will you tell me what's wrong?"

"Samuel is being a cocky bastard." She stated.

"So is Nathaniel. I guess it runs in their blood or something."

" He said he is not scared of me and that girls can't harm a guy in anyway but give them silent treatments as a punishment. How can he be such a sexist?"

"Wow! Nathaniel said the same. Did they like actually discuss dialogues or something?" I asked surprised.

"Whatever Ness, the point is , he thinks he has total rights to mess with me. And I want to prove him wrong."

"Wow...same again. Nathaniel says he is waiting for me to show him hell. He is inviting a war."

"What?! This is frustrating okay? They need to know their limits. They need to know that girl's are no less and it's better to not mess with us. "

"Exactly! Only I mess with you and only you mess with me." I said meaning it.

" Not really the best way you show your love but I am flattered dear cousin." she said smirking.

"So we will show them hell? "


This might all seem very stupid to start with but when it comes to proving yourself, every small thing is a war.

Rest of the weekend went in a blurr. We dint plan anything yet but soon will show them what they've started.

We got ready on Monday morning as usual and were about to leave when Sam came out into his balcony which is right opposite I might add and yelled "woohuh ladies! Planned something? We are already sooooo scared." Tauntingly.

Before Clarr could reply I stopped her. We shouldn't give them the satisfaction of getting to us. So I simply smirked and said "you'll see" with such confidence leaving him suspicious now .

*Evil laugh* now he'll be paranoid the whole day.

Clarr was very frustrated and seemed like she was thinking a lot inside. She started playing with her bracelet that she often does when she is thinking a lot. What the hell is she even thinking?

"What are you thinking so hard?"

"How should we get our revenge Ness? I have no ideas!" Clarr almost yelled frustrated.

"We will take care of Nate at school and about Sam...well..I guess we need to show him hell at home itself or even better...his college" I said with an evil smirk.

"Okay...leave Sam to me she said with a dangerous glint in her eyes and you take care of Nate. If you need any help, the girl squad is always ready. You anyway won't need it though..pranking is your passion anyway."

"Yup" I agreed cheekily. I could totally use the upcoming fest I thought smiling inside.

"What have you got in mind? I know that look damn well." She asked me suspiciously.

"Planning to use the fest schedule." I said grinning cheekily.

"Oh god! I already know what's coming." She said and we burst out laughing.

So what do you think they have in mind? Showing Nate hell won't be a problem cuz they are with him all day but what about Sam? How will they take their revenge?

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