Bring it on!

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We were soon in Mr Grim's class like every morning. As soon as I entered Nate greeted me with his infamous smirk oh how I wish to rub it off!

I smirked back with equal confidence. Clarr gave him a toooooo sweet smile as sweet as candy that left him suspicious. I bet he is being paranoid now.

Rule one of plotting revenge, make the enemy paranoid.

And by looking at his face I can easily strike my first rule out.

Rule two, note his moment of weakness.

Rule three, attack!

Now to strike out my rule two, I followed him around the whole day. He kept turning back as if he could sense me but I ducked just before he caught me. He was getting more and more paranoid every second.

His moment of weakness: attention. He seems to be overwhelmed with cockyness and forgets his surroundings when he is given too much attention.

So moment of weakness....check!

Rule three...attack! So I need to make a plan.

All I need is some equipment now. So I announced a quick emergency meeting summoning the squad in the abandoned class room our usual meeting spot.

I told everyone the plan and purpose of this stunt and they seemed very excited to see what happens. Aqueela and Clarr had evil grins on their faces while Del and Anna were just too excited.

All the student were busy with the upcoming fest preparations and well...we were just lucky to have many free periods and cafeteria decorating duty. The universe is in our favour *he he ha ha ha*

Now all we had to do was get Nate to cafeteria and make him stop at the exact spot were the disaster is destined to happen. I know! Quite dramatic, but I like it this way.

Aqueela and Ann checked the list we prepared.


Strawberry whipped cream?....check

Banana peel?.....check

Squad in the assigned positions?....double check

Poster paint?.....check

Nate Williams on his way?.......check check and check!

Nate was heading towards cafeteria with Katie clinging to his arm ew and almost came to the spot where we put a thin thread balancing ink bucket on top.

"You guys look soo adorable together" Aqueela gushed smiling sweetly. Nate was suspicious first but gave in as expected. He has this I am a Greek God face that almost got me laughing. But I controlled..not so soon...

"Omg! Nate is so hot.."Ann squealed receiving a glare from Katie and well..even more attention from Nate who had the biggest smirk ever!

"So finally Vanessa's friends are giving in I see" he said cockily..oh how you wish!

He kept taking slow strides and finally stepped on the thread and withing no time was covered in ink! Katie screamed as if she was gonna die "my hair my hair...eww!"

And Nate started cursing under breath but it wasnt over yet. He stepped on the peel and Del pushed him at the same time causing him to dip his face in whipped cream that I put in place on time. And before he could even move , Clarr spilt the pink poster paint on his hair.

I almost felt bad for him...but he deserved it for being a sexist.

I was laughing and running so hard that I dint see him coming on my tips.

"Do you think your gonna get away with this?" He asked darkly.

But his blue and pink hair and cream dipped face was waay tooo hilarious to take him seriously.

"Obviously..." I replied cooly before bursting into fits of laughter along with everyone (i.e my squad).

Oh my god! It's too much to handle..

"I don't think so." He said and before I could even react he did the unexpected...

He hugged me what?

I couldn't help but feel his abs under my fingers. His tense muscles almost got me melted. His hair was now all messy and pink but boy! He managed to look like a model even with pink and blue hair and cream dipped body.

I was in a trance till I realised one thing. I was now standing in between the school cafeteria in the arms of a bad boy. Romantic? I don't think so. Cuz he just freaking spoilt by favourite top. He is sooo DEAD

I pulled away now dripping in cream and paint just like him and gave him a death glare only to recieve a smirk.

"This isn't over! You are SOO dead" I said glaring.

"Bring it on!"

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