struggles of having a crush

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Okay Ness, YOU started this. So you end it. Okay so the sudden decision for me to 'end' the deal is for my own selfish good. Trust me or not. So after the 'stunt' I pulled a while ago on Nathaniel, he pretty much did not go easy on me.

Maybe he already knew the effect he has on me. And trust me, when I say , he is using it to its Maxima to win this challenge 'thing'. I am not the one who would back down my own challenge, or ANY challenge for that matter.

But everything is fair when it comes to heart right? So he purposely started making itsy witsy player moves on me that had bad reactions in my belly. Though I managed not to show em up, I guess you get what I mean..don't ya?.

So, coming to the point. Why I decided to back off? Seriously, you will understand me soon I hope..really really hope you do .

An hour ago

We were all surfing. I learnt a few new disturbing things today.

1. I cannot surf to save my life.

2. Nathaniel looks hot no kidding shirtless.

3. He's got abs to add the icing on the crush cake. (Maybe you can take this under statement 2?)

4. I started loving his smirk.(kill me NOW)

5. I am falling more for that freak...every single moment.

I feel horrible for fangirling now. Seriously! What is the difference between me and all those stupid whores out there now?

So let's get back to the picture leaving my rant for a while.

"Hey Ness? Why are you so flustered today?" Clarr asked suspiciously as soon as she saw me after what Nate did.

"Umm..nothing? It's just the heat Clarr. Don't you know how my skin is?" I lied convincingly.

"Oh..okay. yea I get it."

"Are you sure it's cuz of the heat outside?" Came Nate's voice startling me.

"Yes I am pretty sure." I said matching with his smirk.

We joined everyone on the 'surfing' experiment. That's what I call it. Sam tried...I repeat 'tried' helping me, but poor guy, couldn't help a dead rat.

Aqueela decided she will forget how to surf if she helps me learn. Mean much?

Clarr was way better than me at this. Ugh! Struggles of having a perfect cousin. Del was my only company at being a 'Loki ruling Asgard'.

Nathaniel.. that's what I like calling him. Everyone calls him Nate, so I wanted to be me an idiot, I don't care. But I do call him Nate sometimes,especially when frustrated , cuz 'Nathaniel' is just too big.This is what a crush does to you. I just hope this isn't more than a crush.please..

So Nathaniel wanted to help me with this shit to which I agreed, totally forgetting the 'game' for a second there.(I know, just kill me already.)

"Ugh! This is so frustrating Nate!"

"Just keep your body stable okay? Stop moving that ass so much."

"Will you stop checking my ass out?!"

"Or what? How will you stop me from doing that?" He asked smirking.

We were already very close to add salt in the curry. I was 'sleeping' on the board and he was holding the board near my waist to help me balance my weight.

"Just teach me this thing and stop wasting time."

"Okay then, I will have to teach you seriously now." He said and bent forward.

I could sense his breath in my back making my breath hitch. He slowly started tracing his finger from my neck and down my back.

"What are you doing?" I asked kinda breathless..cmon! I am a hormanal teen..can't help it!

"Helping you straighten up your back, and I see it's working ." I couldn't see him but could make out the smirk in his voice.dipshit

I thought this trip was supposed to be a group thing? Why is it all about him and me today?! How are we even getting the privacy for stupid moments like this?..

Oh wait...I know why. Cuz everyone is freaking busy in their own bubble. Jason seems quite busy with waves too. Cmon! Where is the attention when I need it?! If everyone would be around, I am sure Nate wouldn't dare play these stunts on me.

"Now what?" I asked ignoring his comment.

"Just let the waves get beneath you." he said slowly moving his lips towards my ear.

That's it! I couldn't take it anymore. One more moment like this and I am sure I will be a chimpanzee jumping on one foot. A scene to watch? I don't think so....

So I did only one thing a sane person would do. I got up from that 'position' looked him straight into the eye.

"I think I will just give up the surfing thing now. Thanks for helping though." I said shrugging casually *scoff*

I can really be an actress. I excused myself saying I have a head ache. Which I really do. I am never good with heat. I get head aches if I am in the sun for long. They seemed concerned but I assured them I am fine. It's not new to them. They know I will be fine in shade.


So here I sit, alone in the shade. Watching everyone laugh and smiling silently at them. I pity myself. Honestly, having a crush is the worst thing ever!.Wish I never had any.

Ugh! The struggles we have surviving a crush. I feel like that weird squirrel in all parts of 'ice age' who is back of the nut he never could consume.

Never thought of Ness as a person to have a crush on Nate ? It is clear Nate is not out of his player ways yet. I am helping Ness to get over the crush and become a better person, hope you keep her company too.

-keep reading-

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