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Alex's P.O.V

As I narrowed my eyes at the clock not wanting it to move but it did.Unfortunately.


As I looked at everyone packing there school bags away and leavening the school my best-friend Emily poked me.

"Come on Alex,we have cheer practice in the sports hall."I nodded my head thanking God that I didn't have to go home.As I was running to the hall I bumped into this boy and fell to the dark blue dusty floor.

"Do you fucking mind?Bitch."I looked at him up and down whilst standing myself up.He had blonde hair with bright blue eyes,the opposite of mine because mine were just dull and ugly. This boy was wearing a dark purple top with a leather jacket over the top and some dark blue jeans as for his shoes there where adidas.As I looked closer behind him I saw two other boys one with dark brown hair and one with dirty blonde hair. The one with dark hair had a nice kind face and smiled sweetly,the other one looked like he was more closer to the prick in front of me but had tons of secrets. "Take a picture it last longer. "The one in front said with a smirk plastered to his tanned skin.

"Sorry, I just got the new upgrade and I don't want it to brake just yet." I replied whilst folding my arms. "Bye dick head." I muted whilst walking to the sports hall while the boys behind him laughed.


"That's all for today girls, tomorrow we will have extra practice." I smiled whilst all the other girls groaned. As I was walking home Emily and my other friend (Samantha) came running to me and jumped on my back.

"So I saw you talking to Caspar, is there something going on?" I turned to my brunette friend who's eyebrows were raised like the cartoons.

"Ewww no, Em trust me his a jerk. Wait how do you know his name?" Emily chuckled so did Samantha. "Really tell me guys."

"His the schools bad boy, along with Alfie and ughhh Joe, his so fit." I looked at her in discussed. "Nononono, Joe is fit." I nodded my head slowly.

"Why did someone get jealous?" I looked at Emily and hit her playfully and shook my head.

"No." I said sharply. "And is Joe the dark haired boy?" I asked as I thought that name would suit that boy as Joe sounds nice.

"No Joe is the dirty blonde one with the strong feature, good jawline may or may not have photos of him on my bedroom wall." Sam muttered to herself. Me and Em stopped walking and looked at her in surprised. "Sorry,none of that is true."

"Keep telling yourself that Hun."I laughed what Emily just told Sammy.

"We are at my house now."I hugged each of the girls."Well bye,see you tomorrow."I smiled whilst getting my keys out slowly.

As the girls walked off I mentally repaired myself to see my dad.When I walked into the house I saw my mum's boyfriend sleeping on the sofa so I decided to leave him there and tiptoe upstairs to my bedroom.When I got up to my bedroom I took of my cheerleading outfit whilst putting in the laundry basket and putting one of my dad's old tops and some old leggings.As I threw my hair up in a messy bun and wiped my makeup off I heard my 'dad' shouting my name.As I ran downstairs to see the evil man waiting for my approach I saw the bottle of beer on the floor next the sofa."Alexis why the fuck do you think it's acceptable to not clean up?"I looked up at him and the spotless house accept the beer bottle.

"But Ricky..."That's when I regretted my life,I could of just killed my self right there and then.

"Did you just call me Ricky?"I looked down at him not daring to see the devil looking down into me with the red eyes burning into the back of my head."I'm your father to you young lady,ughhh and your mum is a bitch..."I laughed whilst looking at him."Your the reason your father died,it all you fucking fault!"He screamed whilst slapping me repeatedly.His punching was worst,I had bruises all over my stomach but the power of makeup always helps.

"I' dad."He smiled whilst pushing me to the kitchen asking me to take a seat.

"It's okay y'all just need a little training,your ma little bitch."I smiled.This is how it always goes,one or maybe two beatings then all happy Ricky."So how was school,cheer practice?"I nodded my head.

"It was good we are doing extra practice tomorrow because we have a competition in a few weeks."He nodded her head like she actually cared but I know he didn't."I got a A+ on my English exam."He smiled with those bright white teeth what could fool anyone to be happy.

"You finally ain't useless,now go to your bedroom Alexis!"He said sternly.I nodded my head as I was walking upstairs he said something what he always says."You may need more practice your a bit chubby."I nodded my head trying not to let the tear fall out wishing my mum to be back from the business trip soon.


Thanks for reading hope you enjoy the first chapter.I only post one a week :))


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