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Alex's P.O.V

As we pulled up to the building I jumped over Niall so I could get out of the car.As soon as I came out of the car there were loads of people taking pictures of Niall,I got slightly annoyed because this was for me."Can we go inside?"Abby nodded her head whilst pulling Niall with her.

As we entered the building I sat down on a stool and waited till my name was shouted out."What if I'm really bad?"I asked nervously.

"No,you will be amazing like normal baby."My mummy said,as I turned around I saw Jade again.She ran up to me and gave me a big hug.

"Hello Alex,good luck!"Jade smiled.

"Thank you,good luck as well Jade."As she walked off my phone went ping so I looked at it (Of course)

To Alex🎤🎸:Hey Alex it's me Jayden,the boy you bumped into the first time :))

To Jayden🏃🖕🏼:Hey Jay(can I call you Jay?) well anyway I have to go on soon to perform.

To Alex🎤🎸:You can call my Jay if I can you lexieeeee

To Jay🏃🖕🏼:Sure

To Lexieeeee🎤🎸:Yeah,I'm texting you to wish you good luck,don't text back just practice.

As soon as I read that I smiled like a dick but I didn't care."Alexis Ross it's your turn!"A man shouted.As I walked onto the stage there was lots of cheering and clapping.

"Hello Alex,so what song are you singing today."Gary said.

"Gary stop can we just appreciate her blue hair,it's looks fabulous by the way."I smiled and thanked her.

"Hiya and thank you.Today I am singing Amnesia by 5 Seconds Of Summer."I smiled widely.

"Okay begin Alex."Louis said.

'I Drove by all the places
We used to
Hang out getting

Thought about our
Last kiss how it felt
The way you tasted

Even though your
Friends tell me
You're doing

Are you somewhere
Feeling lonely
Even though his
Right beside you

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