After Show

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Alex's P.O.V

It was now nine but I had an interview with Rylan after so I couldn't go home and cry."I think you was brilliant."I stayed silent and waited till it was time for the interview.As soon as I got into the stage Rylan hugged me.He was so tall."Hello Alex,to be honest I thought you should've got through and some other people did."I smiled.

"Thank you Rylan but I think Jade should've got through to be honest."I smiled.

"That's sweet,have you seen you're Twitter?"I shook my head."Look at this;"

@Ashton5sos:Why did @AlexisCovers leave? She sang Amnesia better than us boys

@Michael5SOS:OMG nooooooo @AlexisCovers should've won the Xfactor she was amazing.My life is over 😖🗡

@Luke5SOS:Why Louis,Gary,Nicole and Tulisa? @AlexisCovers was brilliant and you call yourself talented?

@Calum5SOS:Really? @AlexisCovers you were excellent! And please don't clone me 😂

@HarryStyles4U:Louis are you joking omg @AlexisCover your amazing bestie

@Louis_Tomlinson:Oh my god Noooooo you were soooo good @AlexisCovers and correction @HarryStyles4U she's my bestie dick

@LiamPayne:That's messed up @AlexisCovers don't listen to them,and don't do anything silly!

@NiallOfficail:Ughhhh life's unfair.They don't see the true talent @AlexisCovers

@zaynmalik:You were epic @AlexisCovers

@ConorMaynard:I know we don't talk anymore but that was amazing @AlexisCovers

@Caspar_Lee:@AlexisCovers that was really good,life's a bitch ;((

As I looked at the up to Rylan I smiled,he done the same."So,I'm sorry to hear that you have broken up with Caspar."He gave me a hug.

"It's okay,stuff happens for a reason."I replied.

"So what's one big NONO for a relationship?"

"Saying "mine" or nicknames like "princess" like I have a name for a reason!"I grumbled."Yeah and when they write songs about you,I just hate it no offence all of 1D or Taylor Swift."

"Okay,next question.You and Louis,a thing or not?"

"Errrrrr.....well we never were a thing but I use to have a icle crush on him but not anymore we are besties."I smiled.

"I remember when you and Harry were a thing and in the news it was "Who is this mysterious blonde?" And everyone was like #Ship or that's my favourite YouTuber."I laughed.

"Use to.Me and Hazza are really good friends now,I still have pictures of us on my phone if you want to see them?"Rylan nodded his head so I pulled my phone out and was about to get the pictures but he took my phone.

"Let's just appreciate Alex's home and lock screen;

"Let's just appreciate Alex's home and lock screen;

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It's Calum,Luke,Ashton and Michael from 5sos."I turned bright red whilst everyone else were cheering or laughing.

"I'm going to get grounded."I laughed."Okay here are some pictures of me and Hazza whilst we were going out;

"Okay here are some pictures of me and Hazza whilst we were going out;

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We were so cute and young then

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We were so cute and young then."I said.

"Why did you brake up?"Rylan questioned.

"I was an absolute bitch then,I always use to say "Awwww Hazza look at this,can I get it pleaseeeee?"But I made him get it for me.I have payed him back But he didn't want me too,just getting that out there."I giggled.

"Well would you go out again with Harry?"I shook my head.

"No.Me and Hazza are just friends."I smiled.

"So about this jumper has been causing so many arguments,is it Calum's?"I laughed.

"This jumper is my friends jumper he gave it to me when I was cold.Like I said if it was Calum's he would be in my bedroom tied up."I said in a duhh tone.


I know this chapter was shit and short,I'm sorry but next chapter 5SOS appear back!

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