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Luke's P.O.V

There is Self-harm in the chapter just warning you.

As me and Alex were walking down the chilly street we were talking then something just popped into my mind."I remember about two years ago when Niall sent me the first random mugshots of you"Alex turned around and put her hands over her face.

"Don't remind me."I laughed then I felt my phone vibrate.I got my phone out of my black pocket and saw the text message.Fuck.

Cal;wtf Luke! Get your ass back in the hotel now! Niall is not impressed with her nose either you dick

Lucas;sorry brb

I quickly looked around then calculated how far are we from my hotel,I could get there in five if I run.Alex looked at me with a worried face and looked around to see if I saw saw something probably.I grabbed her wrist with all the bracelets on but she jumped back and winced in pain."What the fuck Hemmings!"She screamed with pure anger.

Then I remembered the phone call last night.I felt like crying.And this morning with all her bracelets.Shit."I'm sorry,I'm sorry but we need to go to the hotel now."She looked at me confused but still held her wrist."I'm just going to pick you up once again."Alex nodded her head while I went down so she can get on my back.

Once she jumped on my back I ran to the hotel passing lots of fans on the way."Why are you running Luke?"She was scared.I know she would never say it but I just knew it.

"I'll tell you when we get their."I felt her slowly getting her grip tighter around my chest as I was going faster.As we got there I put Alex down then opened the door to the hotel.As we entered it I grabbed her other wrist and ran upstairs.

Knock Knock Knock

Alex looked at the red carpet obviously nervous about something.As the metal door opened all the boys ran over to Alex and gave her a massive hug."Luke get your ass on the sofa.Alex Ashton wants you."Now I was scared,what's happening.Why does Ashton need her?

"Luke done nothing I promise you it was my fault.I wanted the piercing I dragged him into the shop."Alex was on the verge of tears Ashton went to Alex and hugged her while going into his bright bedroom."Sorry Lukey."She mumbled whilst being dragged away.

I sat down on the black sofa with my hands on my legs.I looked at Calum and Michael and gave them a weak smile they just gave me the death glare.

"What the fuck is wrong with you!"Michael screamed while pushing his blonde hair back.

"Well I'm sorry."I yelled back while standing up.

"People think your going out,have you seen the photo shops? And the video when you called her babe."Calum rubbed his face with his hands and groaned and fell onto the sofa.

"What's wrong with that?"I admitted.They both looked at me.

"She's fucking getting hate."Calum screamed while Michael tried to hush him as they didn't want her to hear it."Ashton and Michael saw her this morning with bandages round her arms and legs and they were stained in blood.Just let that sink in."Michael just sat on the sofa and fiddled with his thumbs."If she sees the hate just think what will she do next?"I went over to the cream wall and punched it then fell to the clean wooden floor.Michael rolled his eyes but helped me up off the floor and put me back in the sofa.

Alex's P.O.V

As Ashton pulled me into his rather bright bedroom.He placed me on the red covers then locked the door.He sat next to me on the bed and looked at me holding my wrist."Can I see?"Ashton whispered,I nodded my head slowly as he took the bracelets off.The pain was so bad.It felt like someone was stabbing my arm over and over again."Sorry Alex."I nodded my head and but my lip,I think it started to bleed.

"Owwww."I moaned Ashton gave me an apologetic smile then his face dropped when he saw it.He tried to form a sentence but just muttered everywhere."I'm sorry Ash."I murmured while looking down.

"Why? How are your over cuts not showing?"I looked at him and saw tears prick out of his eyes.

"Nononono I'm sorry Ash,I didn't mean to make you cry."I was now crying causing all my makeup to run down my face for like the fifth time today.

"Please can you answer my question."I nodded my head while wiping my eyes.

"Foundation and concealer are makeup and they help a lot."He pulled me into a big hug and we were crying into each other's shoulder."What about you?"He pulled his own bracelets off to show the little white lines and his wrist what were fading.

"I've stopped and there going but sometimes I do miss them."I nodded my head as I agreed.

"If this how my life's going to be,I don't want it no more."I choked out.Ashton rolled over to get a sharpie and drew something on my arm,it was a butterfly...

Ashton rolled over to get a sharpie and drew something on my arm,it was a butterfly

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If you don't know Ashton use to self-harm but he stopped because of his fans.One day he saw a fan with cuts on her wrist,he called her over and drew a butterfly to show how beautiful she is.

Let's just take a minute and thank Ashton Irwin.

Also I'm going to have a break of this book I'm really sorry

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