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Alex's P.O.V

As I got home I ran to my room and jumped on my bed and cried.I locked my bedroom door to shut everyone out.As I went on my phone a message popped up.

To Alex:Heyyyy it's the boy who gave you the hoddie :)) I think you should've won the Xfactor tbh

To Unknown:Thank you x what's your name?

To Alex:It's Ben.You can call my benny if I can call you Mrs.Hemmings ;)

To Benny Boy:Fine by me 😂 can I call you Benny Boy plz

To Mrs.Hemmings:Fineeeee,I don't let anyone call me that so count yourself lucky miss

To Mrs.Hemmings:Are you okay?

To Benny Boy:I'm fine.

To Mrs.Hemmings:I'm phoning you.

-Phone Call-

Calum=B/Ben/Benny/Benny Boy

B:What's wrong? This is Ben by the way.
D:I'm Daniel.
H:I'm Harrison.
A:I'm fine,I promise you.
D:Don't make promise you can't keep!
J:Oh my god don't cry.Lexie...Mi...Dan what the fuck you made Lexie cry.
B:Mrs.Hemmings don't cry just think of your home screen.
A:Phhha....You watched me?
H:She's talking...WooooooHooo.And of course we will watch you are our bestie.
D:Your face looked so happy when 5.S.O.S twe.....
A:Daniel it's 5SOS like the beginning of sausages,you dick.
D:It's just a boyband.
A:I will kill you then eat you Daniel whatever your last name is.its a fucking rock band
H:Yeah don't talk about her babies Dan!
J:Alexis why did your boyfriend brake up with you?
A:Don't worry it's silly.
B:If it's about you it's not silly!
A:I caught him cheating on me....I loved him and....He cheated on me with this girl who use to bully me.
H:I'm so sorry to hear that Alexis.
A:It's okay Harrison,you didn't know.
D:How old are you?
A:I'm 17,you?
A:So me and Jayyyy are the same.When can we meet again I wanna see your face,I bet they will be cute.
J:Soon,I promise.
D:Does Jayden have a crush on Alexissssss
A:As if,who would like me.
H:Like everyone.Have they seen you?
B:Don't say that Alex,your bootiful.
A:Thanks boys,me and 1D are home alone tomorrow.
B:You need to go to sleep.
B:School tomorrow bitch,bye.

-End of Call-

As I went under my covers I fell asleep and dreamt about them four cheeky boys.


As I woke up from my slumber I remembered that it was only me and Niall as mum Abby and Ricky are at a holiday.

Once I fished getting dressed and brushing my teeth I looked in my mirror and saw the same ugly fat girl everyday.I was wearing my 5sos top with black skinny jeans dark red converse and a black hat.As I walked downstairs I saw Niall eating some waffles what he probably made.

"Hey Alex you want some."He asked.

"No thanks I'm going school now."As I was about to leave he pulled me back.

"Don't do this again Alexis."I pushed him off of me and stormed to school.As I got to the death trap everyone was staring and laughing at me,I forgot how it felt to be this low in school again.

"There she is!"A high pitched voice said.As I turned around I got pushed against a locker I opened my eyes to see Eva,the bitch.

"What the fuck do you want."In the corner I saw Samantha and Emily.They were about to go to me but they got pushed back by this girl with a short skirt and who is orange (I think her name was Tazmin) but they didn't make an effort to get to me.

"I want you to get away from me and Caspy bitch."Eva slapped me,of course I slapped her back.At then end I won the fight but I looked terrible.

"Hey babe."I husky voice said,I turned around to see the one and only Billy.Billy was my old friend who helped steal and take drugs.

"Hey bill,miss me."I smiled whilst hugging him.Did I miss that we were best friends.

"Very much,after school we are going clubbing.Still got you're fake ID?"He questioned.

I laughed."I never leave without it."He smiled and whilst dragging me in me old group."Hey guys."I smirked at my gang.

"BIMBO!"They all screamed and jumped on me hugging and kissing everywhere.

"So do you still take it."Laura asked whilst lifting her eyebrow up.

"Nope,but some days I do miss her."She smiled with her yellow teeth.

"Your back Bimbo."He laughed."You don't need them bitches who are stuck up,you have us."I nodded my head whilst grabbing a cigarette off Dean Laura's boyfriend."But yous still like a chainsmoker,we missed you so fucking much."She said passing me the lighter.

"I missed you to....My house to get ready for the pub,what yous say?"They all nodded there head.

I'm glad I'm back to who I am.


Has Alex fully changed yet or not? Did you make the right choice?

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