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Luke's P.O.V

As me and the boys arrived at Alex's house we all looked at each other obviously scared and ready for Niall to be shouting at Alex and at us for not phoning him."Michael you knock."I said whilst trying to push him to the door but I was holding Alex so it was really awkward.

"What no,Ashton you knock."Michael smirked at Ashton whilst pointing at the door.

"What the fuck Mikey no,Calum can knock!"As Calum was going to disagree and make a point why he shouldn't knock the white door creaked opened.

"What the actual fuck guys!"Niall screamed with the other four boys walking to see us."Come in now."He snapped,me and the boys walked in but as I did Alex woke up.As she opened her bright blue eyes with a happy smile across her tanned skin and her blue hair swinging left to right she jumped out of my arms.

"Alex you dyed your hair,it looks amazing."Harry said.

"Thanks Hazza Lazza Nazza Ba..."

"Alexis are you drunk?"Liam asked.

"Maybe,but it's not that ba....Louis!"She screamed.As she ran to Louis I got a bit tense then I saw Zayn looking at me smirking.

As he walked up to me he whispered in my ear."Someone's a bit jealous."I laughed and shook my head but as I turned around I saw Louis and Alex hugging and I got a tiny bit jealous.

"I laughed and shook my head but as I turned around I saw Louis and Alex hugging and I got a tiny bit jealous

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"Hello babe,sit down I will get you some water."As Alexis nodded her head she sat on the sofa waiting for Louis to come back with water.

"So what were you doing awake at 2:43 in the morning?"Niall asked.

"Niall let the boys sit down for Christ sake."Liam said.As Niall nodded his head I sat down on the red comfortable sofa and so did the boys.

"Lukey sit next to me pleaseeeeeee."Alex whined,as I sat up and walked over to her she pulled me on the sofa put her head on my lap and soon after that fell asleep.

"So can you answer my question please."Niall asked.

"Well me and the boys just watched the video to our new song and then read over more songs for our album then Ashton got a missed call from Alex.So we decided to text back and she was texting back really weird so Ashton phoned her and you could tell she was drunk,so we got a taxi to a pub what she described and Mikey found her outside he tried to get her but cause on text she doesn't know it's us a...."Calum spoke but Niall stopped him.

"Your the boys who she talks about?"We all looked at him confused."Jayden,Harrison,Daniel and Ben."We nodded are head and all turned bright red."And that jumper is yours Calum,she goes on about you all the time and how she wants to meet you."We all laughed.

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