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Alex's P.O.V

Four months later

As I was next to sing for the judges Caspar was calming me down.I started to get really worried because I told my family that I was staying around my boyfriends (Caspar) house.

As the the girl walked off who was brilliant at singing walked up to me."Keep up the good work on YouTube and good luck Alex."She hugged me and smiled.

"Well done for getting through Jade."She smiled whilst she waved her small hand at me.

"Alexis Ross,you are next."As I looked at Caspar he gave me a nice smile.As I walked up to Dermot her gave me a hug.

"Aren't you Niall's sister-in-law?"I nodded my head whilst shaking."Don't worry I've seen the video of you singing your amazing,I think you should go up now."

"Thank you."As I walked onto the stage I immediately saw my Mum,Ricky,Abby and Niall.They all screamed then of course me having a YouTube channel with half a million subscribers there were fans who were screaming 'Mrs.Hemmings' so I turned bright red.I felt sorry for Caspar because his a famous YouTuber,he has one million subscribers but his fans don't like me but mine are a mix some do but they ship me with Luke more.Even my friends hate Caspar they only like Joe and Alfie.

"Hello lovely are you Niall's sister-in-law?"I nodded my head."Well what's your name?"Nicole asked.

"My name is Alexis Ross but I prefer when people call me Alex."I replied into the microphone.

"How old are you Alex?"She smiled.

"I am 17."I smiled back

"Where are you from? and who are here with?"

"I'm from Essex."All the crowd cheered."And I'm here with my boyfriend and my two best friends.My mum and my stepdad are here with my sister and her boyfriend,but I didn't tell them I'll be here performing."I laughed nervously.

"That's a nice surprise,so how do some of these people know you?"She asked confused.

"Well I am a YouTuber who does covers of songs or sing my own one, but for my actual job is I work in a daycare."

"That's good,so what song are you singing."Tulisa said not to keen on me.

"Well I'll be singing my own song if that's okay."She nodded her.

"So what's it about?"Louis asked.

"Well I use to be a complete and utter mess when I was fourteen to about sixteen.I took some drugs,smoked and drank I was very bad.I didn't get in the right crowed.My mum knew nothing about this as I never talked to her but then my two best friends who are here changed me completely."As I looked to my right I saw Emily and Samantha crying into Dermot."So this is about when they changed me and I went to this party with my old so called friends and they tried to turn me back into my old self.Yep so that's it really."

"Good luck Alex."Garry bellowed.

As I nodded my head and grabbed my guitar I started to sing.

'I'm sorry if I seem uninterested
Or I'm not listening or I'm
Truly,I ain't got no business here
But since my friends are here
I just came to kick it but really
I would rather be at home all by
Myself not in this room
With people who don't even care
About me well-being
I don't dance,don't ask,I don't
Need a boyfriend
So you go back,please enjoy
Your party

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