Text Messages

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Text messages between Abigail and Niall.


To Nialler🎤🎮💏:Hey,remember that jumper I borrowed a while ago?

To Abby💑🎳⛸:Yeah...what about it?

To Nialler🎤🎮💏:Just letting you know,the only reason you'll ever get it back is because it's lost it scent.

To Nialler🎤🎮💏:I'll expect it back as soon you made it smell like you.

To Abby💑🎳⛸:That's fine,mostly because once it comes back,it smells like you ☺️

To Nialler🎤🎮💏:Awwww good answer ☺️💁🏼


To Nialler🎤🎮💏:Hey,which movie do u like better? Nemo or paranormal activity 2?

To Abby🎳⛸💑:Uh paranormal activity 2! Nemo is gay.

To Abby🎳⛸💑:Hello?

To Nialler🎤🎮💏:Hi this is Alex,you should hide as Abby left with a bat in one hand and really angry...

To Abby🎳⛸💑:Too late...She is screaming my name whilst trying to break the door down.

To Nialler🎤🎮💏:Good luck bro


To Abby🎳⛸💑:...we need to talk,can I ask you something?

To Nialler🎤🎮💏:sure bby,what's up?

To Abby🎳⛸💑:I've been thinking lately...and...um

To Nialler🎤🎮💏:....What's wrong baby?

To Abby🎳⛸💑:Its just...do you know...the muffin man?

To Nialler🎤🎮💏:Bitch

Wednesday Noon

To Abby🎳⛸💑:Is Alex with you?

To Nialler🎤🎮💏:No.Why?

To Abby🎳⛸💑:I saw Caspar kiss Eva so I ran up to him and punched him.Then after I texted Luke,Calum,Ashton and Michael to come here.

To Nialler🎤🎮💏:That dick,Alexis really likes Caspar tho.

To Abby🎳⛸💑:His going to tell her tomorrow,I made him.


To Abby🎳⛸💑:Hello x

To Nialler🎤🎮💏:Hi babe x

To Abby🎳⛸💑:Do me a favour.

To Nialler🎤🎮💏:Okay what is it?

To Abby🎳⛸💑:Promise me you won't call me "babe" or "baby" unless I'm the only one you're calling that.

To Nialler🎤🎮💏:Well...

To Abby🎳⛸💑:What ;((

To Nialler🎤🎮💏:I plan on calling that to this little boy or girl in 9 months 🤗💑💏 surprise

To Abby🎳⛸💏:I'm going to be a dad!

To Nialler🎤🎮💑:Yes you are xx


So Abigail is pregnant,Caspar has cheated on Alexis and 5sos is coming to the uk.

Read autumn | Luke it's amazing! octoberluke is the writer,she has more amazing books as well!

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