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Alex's P.O.V

As I woke up with the biggest hangover in the word I remembered the horrible dream I had.I met 5sos but I was a drunken mess and looked like a prostitute then the Luke Hemmings picked me up and gave me his flannel,like thank you sir I won't clone you totally.Once I opened my eyes I looked at my room and smiled,this is were most memories have happened in my life.Like the time I had Dylan hugging me really tight and he kissed me,my first ever kiss which meant something and of course my first time finding out who 5sos are.When I looked down to see what I was wearing I screamed.

"Oh my god what's wrong babe?"Louis said as he rushed in and the other boys behind him.

"I fucking met 5 seconds of summer looking like a slut and drunk ass well as high..."

"You were fucking high!"Liam yelled,you see his the dad in the group.

"Yes I was and now...never mind I'm just so embarrassed and you didn't stop me.Why didn't you send me upstairs straight away."I cried whilst I shoved my hands through my knotted hair

"It's your fault getting drunk not the legal age Alexis-June Ros..."I was about jump and Louis for saying my fall name but Harry caught me and pushed me behind him.

"Leave my bedroom now so I can get dressed for fucking school!"I screamed whilst pushing all the boys out."Bye dicks."I shouted as well I slammed my door.

As I clasped on my bed I grabbed my phone which was plugged in for some reason and checked the time,it was half nine.Ill be late for school but do I care? Nope.Once I opened my wardrobe which was tucked into the wall neatly I pulled out some ripped light blue jeans and black boots.I decided I would just wear the flannel and make tie it up so it can go on a crop top.As I went into my bathroom,yes I have my own bathroom,no I don't have sex in my shower.Anyway as I went into my bathroom to find my contacts I opened up the packet and realised that there were none left."Fuck my fucking shitty life."I cussed.So I went into my bedroom grabbed my glasses and put them on my face,as I looked in the mirror to see the birds nest on my head and my ugly face and fat body I felt sick.First I covered my face,neck,arms,legs and stomach in conceal and foundation then I put light pink lipgloss on and filled in my eyebrows and put my maraca on my eyelashes surprisingly.For my hair I did not have time for I just brushed my blue hair into a high ponytail then grabbed some bracelets shoved them on my wrist then grabbed my leather brown bag.

For my hair I did not have time for I just brushed my blue hair into a high ponytail then grabbed some bracelets shoved them on my wrist then grabbed my leather brown bag

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"Liammmmm,you know you love me."I said in a whinny voice.

"Yes Alexis,what do you want?"He asked.

"Well it's ten past ten so can you just drive me to school?"I said in a sweet voice.

"Fine,get your ass down here."As I got downstairs not smiling obviously cause it's school,who likes school?"Get in the car."I smiled whilst he held the front door open and then the car door.

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