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Alex's P.O.V

As I opened the front door to my house I screamed the same thing I normally say if Ricky isn't home."Guys your life has just gotten better!"I dropped my bag whilst jumping on the red comfy sofa.As I lifted my head up I saw Luke Hemmings,Michael Clifford,Ashton Irwin and Calum Hood all staring and laughing at me."Yeah I have homework to do I'm going upstairs,bye."As I was about to walk upstairs someone lifted me up and plopped me downstairs.

"Why are you home?"Niall asked.

"I was sick."I replied bluntly.

"Who drove you home?"I saw Zayn looking at me with terror on his face so I just lied.

"I walked home,now can I go upstairs? I have maths homework."

"Why did you really get sent home Alexis?"He laughed whilst his hand went through his blonde hair.

"I was fucking sick Niall,can I go to my bedroom to do my homework."I said through gritted teeth but remembered Ashton could hear us and he hates swearing,his gonna hate me.

"I have your mums number on speed dial Alexis."He said sternly.

"I stood up for myself."I smiled.

"What happened."He asked with a worried voice and face.

"Nothing it's all sorted,can I go."He gave me a hug I just pushed him off.

"Tell me Alexis,please."He looked at me with his puppy dog eyes and a pouted mouth.

"They were calling me a slut and saying I've slept with you and the other boys in this house.They have showed me pictures of me hugging people when I was drunk so I stood up to them in my own way."I said looking dead in the eye to him.

"Good,I'm proud of you.Now stay downstairs cause I need to talk to you."He smirked whilst pushing me in the living room.

"Do you want to sit next to me?"Calum said sweetly.I nodded my head whilst biting my tongue.

"You're shirt is really nice."I laughed awkwardly and smiled.I found myself hiding in Harry's chest.

"Do you want it back? I can get another shirt on."

"Nononono,it looks better on you."Luke confessed whilst I was feeling my cheeks heat up.

"Cheers."I spoke.I glanced over to Niall and smiled.

"So I am going to Propose to Abby."I screamed really loudly and jumped on Niall but on the way I bumped into Louis.

"Look I'm really sor..."I just ignored him then jumped in Niall to celebrate the magical thing what was happening.As I walked back to my seat I bumped into another blonde boy.

"Oh fuck,I'm really sorry it's just that I didn't notice you but I like your hair colour."I smiled as I as who it was I froze.

"It's fine don't worry."He gave me a side smile."Well done bro."He babbled.

"So how are you gonna do it?"Ashton chirped,with his dirty blonde hair going in front of his eyes.

"I wrote a song..."As he said this I groaned.

"No not a song.Thats so fucking cringe."I scoffed."I'm so sorry for swearing."I choked out whilst holding my mouth,Ashton just laughed and said it was fine.

"Shut up Alexis."Louis spat.

"I've had enough drama today,I'm going to bed and going to talk to my friends."I confirmed."Thank you for coming round it's been really nice meeting you."I cooed.

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