Part 2.Pizza

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Michael's P.O.V

'"What's happening?"I laughed awkwardly whilst fiddling with my bracelet.Luke just looked at me and pulled me into his chest and Ashton jumped in the trolly somehow and Michael just pushed us really fast as well as Calum running next to Mikey.'

As I was pushing the silver trolly I saw Luke hold onto Alex really tight and looking down at her bracelets then his head snapped to Ashton.Ashton just looked down and frowned,Luke had tears pricking in the corner of his eyes.Ashton tried to comfort him but he couldn't do anything as Alex was there.Once I got out of breath I stopped and that was the worst mistake of my life,the paparazzi came flooding in and before I knew it they were 'ganging up on us'.

You saw Alex getting out of Luke's grip then looking at everyone with her tanned skin going a slightly red colour,it could've of been angry or embarrassed but who knows.

"Ashton,Ashton."Ashton turned his head round to see the pale man."So is it true that your just another pop star who self-harms for attention?"The man asked whilst rolling his eyes.Ashton face dropped and it went even more sad than it was before.

Before we all knew it Alex has stood up on the trolly making herself really tall and noticeable and started to yell."Yeah,and you're another empty,heartless,feelingless human being who doesn't understand us."Ashton was trying to pull her down but Alex didn't care."And now we are having lunch so do you mind and can you just like go."She spoke calmly whilst sitting back in the trolly hugging an very upset Ashton.

"Apparently you had a miscarriage.Is that true?"A black haired girl said.I snapped then turned around to the lady.

"You have no right to ask that."But again the paparazzi being nosey little fuckers they didn't care.

"So is it true? Cause if you were my mot..."They lady repeated but Luke interrupted her.

"Can you all just fuck off before I punch you!"Luke shouted while joining into the mini group hug which contained Ashton and Alex.

Me and Calum looked at each other and saw the paparazzi/fans split in half making room for us to go through the middle.As we got out of the 'crowd' Alex smiled and thanked us.

"Are you okay Alex?"Luke asked,she shook it off and smiled.

"I'm fine but Ashton are you okay."She grumbled.

"Yeah I'm okay but are you sure your 'fine' Alex?"Ashton added while rubbing her back.

It went silent for a minute."Look here is Pizza Hut."She smiled while attempting to jump out of the trolly.Me and the boys looked at each other and nodded our heads then laughed at the skinny girl.

"So what's your favourite pizza?"Calum asked whilst helping Alex out of the trolly.As she got out she thought about the question then jumped around.

"I like hawaiian or just cheese."She answered looking really proud.

"What's hawaiian?"Ashton questioned.Me and Alex gave him a dirty look.

"I'm surprised Michael hasn't taught you it."She shook her head whilst looking at me.

"I did teach you this,stop making me look bad."I moaned Alex just gave me a hug and patted my back.

"It's okay,we can teach him."I laughed and nodded my head.

As we walked into the small place what only has four seats per table and there were two tables Alex pressed the bell and someone came running in.

"Hello I'm Linda and what would you like to eat."The old lady croaked.She had brown hair (obviously dyed) and dark green eyes.

"Hello Lindyyy,we will have.....boys what do you want?"Alex questioned whilst raising her eyebrows up.

"Can I have a meat feast,Michael can I try some of your hawaiin?"Ashton asked.I nodded my head then he turned back to the lady."And a hawaiin."She nodded her head whilst touching the computer screen.

"Can I have a mushroom pizza.Calum what do you want?"Luke muttered.

"I'll have the....extra cheesy pizza with hot wings."Alex laughed while pulling her black leather purse out.

"What are you having Alex?"I jeered while running my hand through me blonde hair.

"Well I'm not hungry."She lied.All the boys,me and Linda knew it.

"Can I tell you something Alexis?"She looked at the lady and smiled whilst nodding her head.Me and all the boys looked at each other a bit freaked out that's he knows Alex's full name.

"I remember when you where a little girl about six,you moved to the little house opposite this shop and the first day you actually moved in you came in here with your mum dad and Abigail who was about thirteen."She said while peering over the wooden counter what was very tall for her."When your dad ordered you were on his back and Abby was just laughing with your mum about this joke.Once you ate your pizza I was about to clean the table and put the rubbish in the bin but you picked it up and put it in the bin for me."Alex was just hiding her in her hands.

"I want hear more of this story."Calum giggled whilst playing with his key.

"After a few years come in then leaving you went up to me and said.'Lindyyy look at this.' I peered over your shoulder and saw these three boys on your mini phone.You pushed the play button on and your face was shining."Alex laughed awkwardly.

"I said what's there names you said Calum but they call him Cal then there's Michael but I call him Mikey then there's this boy.You showed me a picture of this young gentlemen right in front of you and said 'his soooo hot' I laughed then hugged you."Now Alex was really embarrassed but like just grabbed her into a tight hug."The another boy joined called Ashton but you were like just call him Ash Linda."

"Alex your sooo hot to."Alex just laughed and so did the rest of the boys whilst Luke was being annoying to her.

"Then you told me about Abby and Niall and you moved house cause mum and dad had new jobs."At the end she choked on the verge of tears and turned around to pull a picture of the pin thingy.

"At the end she choked on the verge of tears and turned around to pull a picture of the pin thingy

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"Look at you and Abigail.It's before she moved to London and before Leo sadly went."Alex just hugged her over the counter nearly crying herself.

"Fine,I'll have the extra cheesey pizza please."We all cheered and hugged Alex.

As she handed Linda the money we all just looked at her in shock."Why did you just pay?"I implied while waving money in her face.

"I'm a girl,I should be paying.That's what Caspar said."We all groaned and sat down on the chairs.

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