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'As I was walking I bumped into someone,as I was about to fall he held onto my waist and pulled me up.As I looked up to see the blue eyed monster again.

"We meet again?"

Alex's P.O.V

As I looked at him I unlocked his hands from my waist,then brushed my jeans."Is the bad boy lost?"I wined.Caspar I think his name is looked up and down then looked at my stomach and poked it.

"Why do you have a bruise?"He asked whilst putting his eyebrow up.I narrowed my eyes at him then looked down to see the big purple bruise I forgot to cover.

"I bumped into a pole."I replied innocently.

"You bumped into a fucking pole?"He questioned,whilst frowning."How did it get like that?"He asked.

"Yep."I said popping the p.

"You didn't answer the other question."He growled.

"Well ask the pole I don't know how it got like that."I laughed whilst skipping to science.As I got to science I saw the new setting plan on the board.I was next to Joe at the back of the classroom.

"So your Alexis...oh your the one who ran into Casp."He smirked whilst pushing his hand through his hair.

"Correction he bumped into me and how do you my name Joseph?"His face went put serious after I said his name.

"Umm first it's on the board and second how do you know mine?"I laughed whilst I muttered to my self.

"Well I know your name because one of my best friends has a massive cr.....curtain on you.Yep curtain."I said turning bright red.

"Okay then,by the way call me Joe."He chuckled whilst getting his blue folder out of his black rucksack.

"Only if you call me Alex."I smiled whilst getting my folder out of my pale yellow bag.As I took my seat on the bright green chair Mr.Ren walked into the classroom with his glasses nearly falling off his face.

"So we are all in this classroom to learn."I laughed whilst thinking I teach myself then any of these so called 'teachers' in the school."What's funny Miss.Ross?"He shouted.

"Well first it's Mrs.Hemming and second I teach more the all the fucking teachers here do."I replied back.

"What your married?"I looked down to see Joe laughing at sirs comment.

"No it's a popular boyband what my si..."He got cut off by sir saying some crazy shit.

"Waite you gay,young boy?"

"Oh my fucking God,yes sir he is gay."I fell to the floor crying into fits of laughter when Joe just gave me the death stare.

"I bet your fucking daddy's little girl,with the per...."Before he could finish I puncher him then ran out of the classroom.I cried.I never cry.He said that mans name though.As I stopped in front of Samantha's class room looking through the window seeing my mascara is all over my face then she spotted me.Samantha ran out of her maths class then hugged me tight whilst I cried into her.

"He talked ab...bout dad."I cried harder into her whilst holding onto the necklace what my dad gave me when I was fourteen.

"Breath,okay we are going to find Emily then go talk about this."I nodded my head whilst wiping my tears off with my right hand."Okay do you know what lessons she's in?"I nodded my head whilst leading her to Em's classroom.On they way there I bumped into Joe.

"Look I'm so sorry,can you tell me wh..."He was interrupted by Sammy of course.

"What the fuck happened to your face?"I started to laugh while I saw Emily's classroom.

"That's Emily's class."I said slowly and quietly.As Sammy nodded her head I dragged her to Em's class while I knocked on the door.As Em saw me she went up to the teacher and asked them to go out but they said no.

"You have done nothing wrong so I can't send you out."Sir said,so Em ran up to her boyfriend and kissed him whilst pinning him up to the wall."Get out now Emily!"He sighed.

"My bad,bye class of hell."She smiled and waved off Greyson and he blow a kiss what she caught."So what's wrong with you Mrs.Hemmings?"She hugged and I sobbed into her arms more.

"Someone said something about her dad."Samantha whispered so Emily could hear but no one else.

"Why is there a mothers meeting outside?"Caspar said but then he saw me on the floor crying and ran to me and picked me up on my feet."Who made you cry?"

"Why would I tell you?"I wiped my tears off and walked away from the people behind me.


Thanks for reading this x

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