Fancy restaurant

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Alex's P.O.V

On the way home from practice I found a fiver on the floor and that I am most likely to fail science,woo hoo.

As I was walking down the quite road I saw my mum's light blue mini parked on the drive.I ran to my house and knocked on the door really fast until I saw my mum's beautiful face.She had long dark brown hair and light blue eyes like me,she was curvy not fat curvy and perfect inside and out.

"Baby come here."My mum said as she pulled me into a hug I started to sob."So can I tell you something that you may not like?"I nodded my head slowly as I entered the big house my mum owned.

"So can I tell you something that you may not like?"I nodded my head slowly as I entered the big house my mum owned

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As I went inside and sat in the rather small front room I looked at my mum who was looking down onto me."What do you want to say mummy?"I smiled at her and she sent me one with her baby pink lips.

"Well we are going to a fancy restaurant and I booked you to sing one of your songs there."I screamed then squeezed my mum tight.

"Like a mother and daughter thingy?"I said excitedly.

"No,me you Ricky and some of our friends because Ricky proposed to me!"She squealed and returned the same tight hug I gave her."But I got you this really nice dress to wear,you don't have to wear if you don't want to."I looked at her and saw the sadness in her eyes.My mum and dad never got married.

"Don't be silly mum of course I will wear a dress if it makes you happy,and congratulations.So let me see the ring."As I saw the ring with a diamond in the middle of it I mentally laughed.My mums favourite jewel was emerald,see he doesn't even know her.

"Thanks baby,the dress is hanging up in your room but have a shower first then there is some red lipstick in my makeup draw if you want it."I nodded my head whilst climbing the stairs.


As I looked in the mirror finishing my hair and everything my phone went off.When I looked at my phone I saw a text from Niall (Yes from one direction) as I looked at it a screamed,Abby's coming.I done a little happy dance around the room and smiled to myself."This is going in SnapChat."My mum laughed whilst holding her phone out.

"Okay then,can we go now I want to see Abby and Niall!"I begged whilst grabbing guitar.

"Okay Alexis,get in the car,and by the way you look stunning."I thanked and returned the compliment as she was wearing a red long dress which was beautiful.Whilst walking downstairs with my phone in one hand and the guitar in the other.

"Are you ready ladies."Me and my mum both nodded our heads then went into the small car.

"So what song are you singing?"My mum asked.

"It's a surprise."I giggled whilst looking outside my window.

As we finally got there Ricky got my mum out then he opened the door for me and smiled.You see Ricky actually dose love my mum,he just doesn't like me at all.When we entered the restaurant I saw everyone in the corner talking.As soon as Abby saw me we ran to hug each other,when we did Niall joined in then we all sat down."So are you going to be singing?"He said with his deep Irish accent.I nodded my head slowly."Oops I accidentally sent a picture of you and sent it to Luke Hemmings,my bad."I growled at him and before I could do anything I was pulled up on stage.

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