Long way home

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Alex's P.O.V

As I saw Luke I put my head straight down and smiled to myself,oh my god I've just met the Luke fucking Hemmings."How do you know my name."I asked.

"Cause your on Xfactor,now lets go."I had a chance to go with the Luke Hemmings but I am a good girl and I was going to wait for my friends.

"My friends are picking me up."I huffed.He smiled whilst picking me up and carrying me to Calum,Ashton and Michael."Let go of me!"I screamed whilst kicking me legs on his stomach.

"I texted your friends they said we can walk you home."Ashton said.I nodded my head whilst looking down at the floor.

"I'm coldddd,can I go home."I moaned.

"Well we have to walk home,so not yet.You can have Luke's Shirt."Calum replied.

"I can't cause I have one of my friends jumper and I need to give it back cause it doesn't smell like him no more and he smelt really really nice.Not saying you don't smell nice cause you do its just that I won't see you again or people will get jealous that I have the famous black and red top."I said.

(his top)

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(his top)

"It's fine don't worry."As he puts me down he puts his shirt on me and it felt nice.Then a flash went off I was about to fall over but Mikey caught me."Okay Lexie jump on my back for a piggy back ride okay?"I gasped but jumped on Luke's back.

"Don't call me Lexie please."

"Why,what's wrong with that?"He questioned.

"I only let two people call me that."I smiled but he couldn't see as I was on his back.

"Who's that then?"

"Well my friend Jayden but he lets me call him Jay and my daddy use to call me it."I whispered.

"Why are you whispering?"Michael questioned.

"Cause if my daddy heard me he will look down and see me then he will remember how messed up his daughter is."I hushed.

"He won't hear you his at your house."Michael smiled."And your not messed up you just went in the wrong crowd that's all."

"My dad don't live with me."I sad sadly.

"Sorry to hear that Alex,where does he live? And who dose he live with?"Ashton spoke.

"He lives in heaven with this beautiful baby boy,well he isn't a baby no more his in three weeks two but yeah his called Dylan."I frowned because I was thinking of my son who sadly passed away.

"I'm so sorry to hear that."Ashton replied.

"Can I ask who Dylan is?"Calum asked.

"You can't say that dude,don't answer that Alex."Luke said as he yelled at Calum.

"No it's fine,when I was fifteen I got pregnant with this beautiful little creature in me.I was so happy my dad was not so happy but he got through it and so did my mum and sister and Niall.I got kicked out of school until I gave birth to him once I did he opened his eyes they were like mine big and blue.Once I brought him home it was so nice after a month he got very ill and started to throw up blood,my sister drove me to the hospital but it was to late."I half smiled.

"We are really sorry to hear that Alexis."They said.


"I like your cobain shirt."I smiled at Luke.It was silent for a minute but hen Luke spoke again.

"Thanks,so what else can I call you?"He smirked.

"Trouble."I replied.

"So can you speak French?"Ashton asked.

"Oui je peux parler Français et je peux juste dire im haut comme un arbre aussi vous êtes tous fucking hot me tuer,maintenant s'il vous plaît."They all looked at me astonish.

"So you can speak fucking French when your drunk!"Michael said obviously amazed.

"Oui je peux."I replied.

"What did you just say?"Mikey asked.

"Yes I can."I responded.

"No before that."He said in a duh tone.

"Oh I said,Yes I can speak French and can I just say I'm high like a tree and all of you are fucking hot,kill me now please."I said whilst smiling.

"Okay then but I still don't get how you can speak fluent French when I can't speak English properly."I laughed.

"Do you want me to teach you some?"All the boys nodded there head in sync.

"Okay Calum and Ashton say this."They nodded there head."Salut,I'm Calum ou Ashton."Both boys repeated me so I carried on."Et moi et Ashton ou Calum sont out.We vont avoir des relations sexuelles tous les soris et parfois Luke ou Mikey viennent dans le lit."

They got all muddled up so I just rolled then what it meant,they hated me (Hi I'm Calum or Ashton and me and Calum or Ashton are going out and have sex,and sometimes Luke or Mikey join in) they rolled they eyes whilst laughing.

"What songs do you like?"Michael asked.

"I love this song about living life on a prayer."I smiled.

"I'm tired,can I go to bed."Luke put me down then carried me like a baby.

"Not yet Alex it's a Long way home so just go sleep in my arms."As he smiled at me I felt my eyes droop and BAMM I'm asleep.

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